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Everything posted by Hunter007

  1. So you shoot your crossbow the same as a traditional bow ? You don't And that is why it is not true archery. You are using word play technicality just because it has a limb and a string to get into a season that was made for people that wanted to learn the art and skill of archery. (Not gun shooting ) So may as well use the airbow to . We can glue limbs and a string on that to and do the same . It Is not logical to let one slide in and not the other . That is why Crosman develop that thing in the first place for crossbow people . May as well take advantage of that too. Once you buy one you will change your mind .
  2. Or you mean muzzle loader season just like crossbows now lol Makes no sense when it shoots a arrow and you hold it the same way as a crossbow to have it in any season that is differen then what you put a crossbow in Not logical to do that .
  3. Come on guys what ever you want to call it that thing would be great to hunt with. And should have a season or be part of a season one way or the other.
  4. Someone that never shot a traditional bow can shoot a crossbow accurately right out of the box if he can shoot a gun That is not true of a vertical bow different skill set . Once they decided that was not imported then makes no difference if it a airbow or crossbow my friend that is all just word play and smoke and mirrors.
  5. Crossbows can shoot lead ball just let you no they are popular in Europe . What makes it true archery is the technique used to shoot a traditioal bow . Crossbow is shot like a gun same with airbow .
  6. Look if you want to shoot a arrow like a gun you use a crossbow not a vertical bow when they decided that was not imported why do I have to be limited by having limbs hanging off it ? It' just a technicality to get into what was once traditioal archery season anyway. The line was crossed already so let me use what I think is the best arrow shooting device out there . Why play around with it like they are doing.
  7. Hey once they decided that a crossbow was archery why should I be limited by limbs and strings snagging up as i walk in the woods may as well just take it to the next level now and stop all the word play . We all know crossbow is differet then archery and using the well it has a bow and a string on it is just smoke and mirrors . Lol
  8. Crossbow strings are dangerous you could hit your fingers on them the airbow is safer that is the point plus even more accurate
  9. Yep that is my point once they let in crossbows basically anything that shoots a arrow can be defined as archery my archery Pro Shop already sells the airbow they already know it is coming the companys that make things like airbows know there market and it's all those crossbow users . Which once they get a hold of a airbow Will dump those crossbows in the trash. Because things like a airbow can have much better performance then a crossbow . They already know what is going to happen . From what already did happen.
  10. Here we can glue recurve limbs on the side of the airbow and a string if you like lol
  11. Yea,arrow rifle a crossbow Glad we are on the same page They technically they are Arrow guns Rifles have rifled barrels .
  12. So go try and use your crossbow in the Olympic archery event lol
  13. Its about the technique that is used in traditional archery is a differet skill then a crossbow or airbow that is really what the argument is about . Archers or not complaining just because they look different. It' the simple fact you don't shoot them the same way you don't use the same technique as a bow That kept it out of archery. .
  14. The crossbow and airbow both are aimed the same way like a gun they both shoot arrows. Why make one legal and one not in the same season when they are both used the same way. What set archery apart really is the technique to shoot a traditional bow is different. Then a crossbow and a airbow .
  15. Archery is a bow with a string that you hold with one hand while pulling back the string with the other . Technique of archery Keep a relaxed grip on the bow handle. Position the string in the first groove of your first three fingers and slide your hand up directly under the arrow until there is no gap. Raise your out stretched bow arm level with the target, maintaining some flex in your elbow so your bow arm is not completely extended. Once they changed the rules to crossbows then airbows naturally will be inclunded . It is just a matter of time
  16. Then crossbows would have been included long long time ago .
  17. True archery is about technique . You shoot it differently than a gun it's a different skill set all together.
  18. Really what makes it archery is the art of shooting archery in other words technique the way you shoot it the stance the hold you use .ext . When you use a crossbow or airbow you are shooting it the same way you shoot your guns . That Is why it is not truly archery. But to a hunter does it really matter? To most no so airbow should be included . Because you don't shoot a crossbow like a bow either. End of story . You already crossed the line .
  19. Yep so guy goes out buys the greatest compound bow last thing he wants is someone else being able to use a crossbow with even better performance then his new $1,200 compound bow . He feels screwed and Now the guy that got the the new greatest $1200 crossbow last year . Has the same feeling when he sees his $1200 crossbow that was the best thing out maybe surpassed by the airbow . Lol once they changed rules away from traditinal archer stick and string . This became a technology war . And the airbow Will be the next FaZe of this . Almost guaranteed it may take 30 years But it' is coming
  20. And a crossbow is no different? Learning how to shoot a bow / the art of archery . Has absolutely nothing in common with learning how to use a crossbow just to let you know . A crossbow shoots handles like a gun. Why do you think it has not been included in archery until now . Crossbow can also be made to fire lead ball btw just like a gun. The only difference is the propulsion system .
  21. Lol if hunters are so concerned with the definition of archery that much why then push for compound bows with trigger release , and crossbow inclusion? Which is A gun stock that fires a bolt with a gun trigger and gun scope gun rail bipods attached . A crossbow has every part that a gun has except the Barrel and bullet . And why did it take till now 40 years to have a season for it in archery ? When people think archery crossbow is not what comes to mind . But now most people at least here except it now . The airbow if it gets popular will be next . It is what it is . Technology changes .
  22. Never been how big is it and is it free to get in.
  23. Ok then why has it taken 30 years for them to put it into archery season ? And it' still not fully in yet . Obviously somebody feel differently about it Me I don't care any more . The more weapons to hunt with the more fun I can have The way I look at it now .
  24. I don't have a problem with it either way if they want to put it in archery season or have its own season or any season. But it should be allowed.
  25. Ask him what the obsession with transgender bathrooms unchecked illagle aliens and Muslim immigration, How Is that going to help make the lives better of the poor people who are here already ? Are these really demcrotes ? Because to me it sounds like a Trojan horse policy of the Destruction of the USA Made up from a foreign government . Of course any normal Democrat should be ashamed of there leadership with those ideas .
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