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wildcat junkie

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by wildcat junkie

  1. While the Democrats were "rigging" the POTUS election, how did they not end up with 60 seats in the Senate?
  2. Civil War era smooth bore cannon with "grapeshot".
  3. So, is it also Biden's fault that the inflation and high gas prices are a global problem?
  4. You old timers might like to know that I caught this fish on a 3/4oz Johnson Silver Minnow with a 3 1/2" split tail pork rind trailer. My son was doubtful at first but now wants to get some Johnson Silver Minnow spoons.
  5. Got my feet wet (no pun intended) fishing for Northern Pike with my son on the St Lawrence River. This is my 2nd legal keeping size Pike. 34" approximately 11#. We release all fish.
  6. I once killed deer at a paced off 155 yds with this rifle, and 2 more that were across a valley at similar yardages. 230 gr .535 patched round ball, 100 gr GOEX fffg That being said, I consider 100yds as maximum for .50 RB and 75yds for .45 RB They just don't have enough mass for retained energy at longer ranges.
  7. Get a flintlock. Mine is dependable in all but the most severe downpours and will group under 3 inches offhand at 100yds when I do my part.
  8. Not that sorry wining again. You can't stop progress. What about al the jobs lost shoveling horse manure out of the streets that were lost due to the invention of the automobile? What about all of the birds and other wildlife killed by cars?
  9. Everything is ready to go. I'm waiting for my son to come over after work on Monday. I told him if he wants to keep the bike after I'm gone he must learn the idiosyncrasies involved with working on old British bikes. The headlight will be replaced with a 9000 LM LED
  10. First, the primary drive and cases must be removed. Holding the gearbox sprocket for removal of the left hand thread nut. (ask me how I barked my knuckle) The engine will have to be jacked up a bit to allow the gearbox to be rotated and removed.
  11. Also bought a scissor lift. Work in progress removing the gearbox. First the obligatory bloodletting.
  12. Winter project started. Replacing the notorious gearbox layshaft ball bearing with a roller. I bought a Harbor Freight motorcycle lift. I upgraded the front wheel chock.
  13. That sounds pretty suspicious and it doesn't specify whether it was a mistaken for game incident.
  14. That's why I cited the "mistaken for game" criteria.
  15. Has there ever been a case of a hunter being shot mistaken for game in New York State while wearing orange?
  16. That's my plan, but considering the 1970s British crotch rocket architecture, I'll have to limit auxiliary rider weight to < 130#. (not counting the weight of the minimum 6-pack ride fare)
  17. Me too but Vincents are even rarer than Nortons. Besides I want something to tour on and 1970s technology along with modern electronics upgrade, which have already been done to this bike, beats 1950s technology. A Vincent Black Shadow would be a great thing to play with tghough.
  18. I tried to post links from Imgur but it won't show the PIX.
  19. 36 years ago I decided to settle down and be a dedicated family man. I thought I did everything possible to make a marriage last, doing things together, almost always saying "I love you" when we parted for the day, trying to do everything I could to make my wife happy. For 25 years it seemed to be working until my ex wife changed over the course of 3 years following an, unnecessary IMO, hysterectomy surgery. Well, after I found out that she had been having an affair over the past 10 years, she insisted on a divorce, but didn't really think things out. I ended up with sole ownership of my farm and just sold it for 2X the equity that I had thought it would bring. I was able to buy a nice place on the edge of Massena and pay cash. That left me with some money to do something for myself. Yesterday I made the 5 hour trip to Patterson, NY and hammered out a purchase agreement on this. A '74 Norton 850 MK II Commando with just over 8,000 mile showing on the clock.
  20. So are we getting 1/2 hour before sunrise 1/2 hour after sunset or not?
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