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wildcat junkie

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Everything posted by wildcat junkie

  1. Grouse. But in these parts, they limb shoot 'em.
  2. What does a steady girlfriend/wife have in common with a condom? They both spend a lot more time in your wallet than on your d***!
  3. Not worth $500. $300 would be a stretch. Looks like the scope mods, bolt handle, safety, bases, might be well done, but hard to say W/the PIX. If the work was done correctly & the barrel looks good, $300 might be OK, but that's tops. It would be a good idea to have a look under the bases. If there are extra holes or the holes are crooked/off center, it's junk. not even good for a doner action. The stock is horrid.
  4. "Ronald Reagan was long thought to be the most conservative of Republicans. And by any standard today he is the most popular Republican in modern history. Yet he raised taxes 11 times, supported a ban on assault rifles and the Brady Bill, which mandated background checks, and established amnesty for 3 million undocumented workers." Mark McKinnon
  5. Women! If it wasn't for -----, there would be a bounty on 'em!
  6. Is it merely "Bubba'ed" or has it received a professional grade turned down bolt, D&T'ed for scope bases, low scope safety, etc. What kind of condition is the bore & throat in? A run of the mill Bubba sporter W/a cut down stock is only worth the value of a doner action. Run of the mill wartime M98 Mausers like that are worth about $200, a prewar Oberndorf or J P Saur & Sone maybe $300. Your Remington/Enfied might be on the high end or in between I would think. Here are a couple of examples of the relative ends of the spectrum. 1st a 1930's era CMP/NRA 98 Springfield 30/40 Krag. Could probably be consided a high end Bubba job. They sold in 1927 for $27. The barrels were cut down & new front sights installed by the CMP & the stock foreend cut back, but not countoured like the splinter style seen below. The stock has been replaced & countoured in the style of a 1930s era sporter. It is very close to the cut down military stock that was on the rifle when my Dad bought it for $12 in 1958s. I purchased a Pacific Tool receiver sight that utilizes the magazine cut-off recess on e-bay for just over $100. Once the metal is finished I would place the actual market value in the neigborhood of $300. I have about $150 in it counting the original purchase price. Next is a full blown custom sporter built on a commecial VZ500 Yugoslavian action. One could use a M48 Yugo 98 action to duplicate. That would require grinding down the rear bridge, then D&T for scope bases in addition to welding on a new bolt handle. All that would cost about $150 or a bit more. It has a 3-position M70 style wing safety added. ($185 installed) The other thing that puts this into the sporterized realm is the military barrel that was re-countoured, re-crowned. ($60) Figure about $300 for the semi inletted English walnut stock & about $150 for the buttplate. grip cap, barrel band sling swivel stud, rear sling boat stud. All together I have about $700 in it counting the prce of the action & take off barrel. I did the stock finish & rust bluing myself. actual market value would be in the $500-$600 range, maybe a bit more to the right buyer. Can you post PIX of your Enfield?
  7. I will break from my usual policy of ignoring your inane drivel as I feel like I must thank you Papist for posting the perfect data varifying that the decline of unions has depressed middle class income in the private sector. I knew you couldn't help yourself, keep up the good work. Now it's 4.
  8. "I never said half the things I said." Yogi Berra
  9. "We made too many wrong mistakes." Yogi Berra
  10. "If you come to a fork in the road, take it." Yogi Berra
  11. "I usually take a two-hour nap from one to four." Yogi Berra
  12. "He hits from both sides of the plate. He's amphibious." Yogi Berra
  13. "The towels were so thick there I could hardly close my suitcase." Yogi Berra
  14. "Half the lies they tell about me aren't true." Yogi Berra
  15. "You should always go to other people's funerals; otherwise, they won't come to yours." Yogi Berra
  16. Stay away from live bearers of they will reproduce & take your tank over. 45 Gal H (high) is the same footprint as a 30 gal tank. Go as big, within reason, as you have room for. Set up an undergarvel filter as well as a power filter. A few algea eaters help keep the tank cleaan.
  17. I hunt a very small area but it a great area, a funnel that is surronded by a lot of woods, swamps, etc. I get to see lots of bucks most years. I have seen more than 1 buck for several years starting from 1 1/2 to 3 1/2 & 4 1/2 years of age when I killed them & aged them. I probably saw them as fawns, but there was no way to recognize them. I woudn't have a problem restricting myself to certain antler size, but what about someone that starts deer hunting as an adult? What about seniors?
  18. Back in the mid '70s I got a copy of a book about Lewis & Clark from the local library. I read that & every book I could find about mountain men. I started hunting squirrels & deer with .36 & .50 cal percussion muzzlelaoders. Since I lived in Southern Indiana at the time, I was exposed to a lot of muzzleloader activity. In the spring/summer/early fall, one could go out most any weekend & find a shoot. We shoot for meat, powder, caps, patches, etc. "Blanket" shoot were fun. Everyone brought a prize valued a $20 & placed it on the tabl.e (blanket) Highest score got 1st pick & so on down the line. I have split a ball on an axe blade breaking targets on either side at2 different matches. I never was able to cut a card completely. We shot at "Q" tips charcoal on a string, tacks, etc. Also long range shots at gongs & chains in the woods. I got prettyn damned good with my .54 fullstock flintlock plains rifle. Even managed to take down 2 deer with it at a full run. (close range) We also threw knives & tomahawks. Wifey beat me 2 X on the flint & steel fire start/light the candle timed match.
  19. You know "Liver Eating Johnson" existed in real life don't you. As did Hugh Glass, as depicted by Richard Harris in "Man in the Wilderness". A lot of the scenes in the movie were based on fact. He was left for dead after a Grizzly mauling & he did beat wolves off their kill to get his 1st real nourishment. The part about him hunting down the others was false. Jerimiah died of old age, Hugh wasn't as fortunate.
  20. Oh I'm sure the police report would have said "Opps, my bad, I f---ed the guy up for no good reason." His partner must not have had the stomach to cover up for this a-hole. Good for him.
  21. "I love the smell of napalm in the morning!" Robert Duvall, "Apocalypse Now"
  22. Didn't he also say "That Panther never did get used to him" when relating a story about some trapper that holed up with a panther in a cave for the winter?
  23. Wait, what? In your last post you stated that the officer was obstructing the view & you couldn't see, now you have X-ray vision? I went back & watched the takedown several times. while it clearly shows how unprovoked, sudden & blatently violent the take down was, I could not see the old man reaching into his pocket. I couldn't see his hands at all. This a-hole needs to be made an example of. I wonder how many other times he's acted like this? Throw him in the slammer for at least 6 months among the sodomites. General population baby. No "one bunk Hilton" for him! Oh, wait, the suspect couldn't speak English so that made him a threat. How silly of me, sorry for the confusion.
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