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wildcat junkie

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Everything posted by wildcat junkie

  1. Another thing. In today's sycophant dominated corporate culture. Incompetant yet polically savt "rising stars" advance through the layers of managment before the consequeces of their poor judgement can catch up with them. Some poor sacrificial lamb is left holding the bag. Kinda reminds me a GW Bush when regan's voodoo economics came crashing down on him. This is something that doesn't happen in Japanese corporations. If you are fortunate to gain a corporate position & you expect to excel there for life. It shows in the quality of there manufactured products.
  2. Plus, all those electric cars in the Midwest will be charged from coal fired power plants. That makes them coal burners. The Germans claim their clean diesels are less polluting & the VW TDI hauls ass W/268# of torque & over 40 MPG. Internal combustion technology is capable of good power, effeciency & emmision standards IF the public demands it.
  3. The fact that is going to be built directly over one of the largest, if not the largest, freshwater aquifers is also chilling! But then, the corporations want to "privatize" drinking water right?
  4. I think those are the product of the enviornment & culture of poverty more than race. Tiny little Massena, NY has recently seen a substantial increase in violent crimes & drug trafficing & it is predominantly white. As far as drug related crime of which gang related activity is largely comprised of? Decriminalize drugs. Just like probation, the "war on drugs" has done nothing but accelerate the growth of organized (gang) crime. Today black/latino (drug) "gangstas" are yesterday's (booze) "gangsters" of European descent.
  5. While meals at McDonalds would go up, it would be a much smaller percentage than what you post above. I live 13 miles from the border crossing at Cornwall, On. Minmum wage is higher in Canada. I think it's over $11 an hour & long term full time employess make considerbly more I am told.. Strangely, the Prices @ McDonalds in Cornwall are only slightly higher there compared to those in Massena. As far as unions? I started working in Homestead Works of US Steel in the late .60s. Union/management relations were much different then. Different as in a more realist attitude, yet there was respect. Many of my co-workers were WW-II vets. The "greatest generation". There was no doubt were labor & management stood, but everyone knew that the job had to get done, & it did. Mid level management in those days were from the rank & file. They knew the work & it was near impossible to bullshit them. They dispised the suck holes & stool pigeons just as much as those in labor. About 1973, things began to change. There was a brand new crop of college grads that went to school to dodge the draft in the Vietnam era. Suddenly the old hands were being replaced by snot nosed kids that didn't know there a-- from a hole in the ground, but they had degrees, & they worked cheaper than the old guard. That's when things started down the tubes. Everybody started bull shitting everybody else & industry suffered. Nobody in management had the balls to stand up to the unions anymore & things quickly got out of control. In those days, unions kept everone's wages up. Now, the non union wages are dragging eveyrone that works for a paycheck to the bottom. My wife is a teacher. She is required to have a Master's degree. She works from 7:30 AM to 4:30PM daily not counting extra curricular activities & time spent grading papers, making out report cards & such. She dips into her own pocket for supplies & treats for her 4th grade class. She makes less than $50K a year & can't draw unemplymet during the summer like construction & other "seasonal workers". Now people are being turned against teachers by the union busing right wing propaganda machine. Same for postal workers. What these sheep don't understand is that when these services are "privatized", their taxes won't go down. Here's what will happen. Those union teacher & postal worker wages will be replaced by lower wages in the "privatized" industry. There will be less $$$ being spent in their local economies so everone will have less. Meanwhile, the "private" industries will siphon off those taxpayer $$$ & pay exorbitant executive salaries that will never see those local economies. They will also pay less taxes on that $$$ than what the "well compensated" union teachers & postal workers would have payed. Double wammy here. Less payroll $$$ to stimulate the local economy, less revenue for state & local tax base When the American worker was hoodwinked into thinking that having their neighbors pay cut would somehow benefit them, a cancer started growing in the middle class economy. As far as the comments by others about people not being "forced" to work at Walmart? That shows just how delusional their thinking is. Where the hell else are they going to work? Where are those middle class income jobs anyway? Do you think they would work for Walmart if good paying jobs were available? Walmart is now the largest private sector employer in the US. Over 350,000 employees. That distinction used to be held by General Motars W/about the same number of employees when I started in 1991. You should see how Massena is deteriorating now that 300+ 'well compenstaed" GM union jobs have been taken away. A small town of 13,000 & according to a radio broadcast this morning, it now ranks as the 30th most dangerous city in NY state. And BTW, there are very few blacks & minorities here. The right wing has reduced union membership that was at 35% in the 1950s to about 7%. Now they are going after the public employees & the cancer is going to spread unless the working class opens their eyes soon. If unions are so bad for the economy, why is declining union membership accompanied by an almost parallel decline in middle class income? Middle class incomes should be booming since those damned unions are in decline right? Cutting wages is good for the economy. Yeah, right!
  6. Property owners rights upheld against use of eminent domain by a foreign corporation. http://left.gotnewswire.com/news/nebraska-judge-temporarily-blocks-transcanadas-ability-to-use-eminent-domain-for-keystone-xl
  7. That logic doesn't seem to apply to school shootings, mass muders, or seriel killers.
  8. The Reagan ERROR is what is sucking the middle class dry. Tax cuts for the rich so they can invest in 3rd world jobs. Then they don't even pay their fare share of taxes on the money they do make. HSBC & their ilk hide it for them in offshore accounts. Job creators my ass. Jobs in China, Malasia & other 3rd world countries. The Waltons are the real welfare queens. Each Walmart store costs the local economies an average of nearly $700,000 in SNAP & Medicade because they pay poverty wages. Walmart orientation inclused classes on applying for SNAP & medicaide for Crist's sake. SS isn't broke. Reagan started robbing it to plug shortfalls in revenue to fund his tax cits. The REICH want's to privatise it so they can right off what they owe & let btheir thieving cohorts on Wall Sreeet pilfer our money. Want to reduce welfare & SNAP? Raise the minimum wage for a start & end the union bust privatization schemes.. The middle class has been in decline for the last 30+ years. Is that a coincidence? I've lived it, I've seen it.
  9. His delusional REICH wing ranting is quite entertaining. What we are seeing here is the end result of Reagan clearing out the mental institutions.
  10. Funny how the "media" tends to quell coverage when a member of "law enforcment" might be involved in wrongdoing.
  11. The choice for me would be based on the relative size of the rifle. SA bolt gun W/< 22" barel would be better balanced athetically by the smaller 2-7X33. LA bolt gun W/> 22" barrel would lean me towards the 3.9X40. 22" barrel could look/balance W/either.
  12. The 1 time I had an issue W/a Leupold Vari-X II, they repaired a loose reticle & had the scope back in my hands 7 days from the date I dropped it off @ the Post Office. No charge, no return shipping charge. Just excellent no questions asked customer service. I will buy the higher end (Japanese) Nikons & the European stuff, but I'll leave the Chinese/Malasian/Phillipino junk thank you. BTW: that includes all but the top of the line "Vortex" scopes that eveyone is ooohing & aaahing about. The Japs & the Europeans support higher wages than the US so I don't heel like I'm cutting my own throat buying their products. Keep buying the cheap Chinese/third world crap & the makers of moderately priced quality scopes will cease to exist.
  13. I wonder how many of the 3% of scientists that deny climate change (caused by human activity) are on the Koch brothers' payroll? Natural climate change occurs over several 1000s of years, not a few decades. Hardly any galciers in Glacier National Park, polar ice meting @ record rates, unusually warm winters in Alaska & Siberia? All, of these are just coincidence? That being said, I think wood stove are not a signicant contributor as long as everyone, including city dwellers, doesn't start using them. I do support local ordinances banning outdoor boilers when they impact neighbors. Most do not have tall enough chimneys to create sufficeint draft to put the smoke very far above ground level. Any regulations on wood stoves should take local population densities into account.
  14. The Koch brothers are writing lots of paychecks to congress. They're going to write $889 million for the 2016 election.
  15. The price is sending jobs to China & the Phillipeans. Only their top end scopes are made in USA. IMO the made in USA Leupold is a far better bargain.
  16. I just reloaded some 40gr RNFMJ in my 5mm Remington centerfire conversion. 5.8grs Alliant 2400 2100 fps & it hits dead on @ 50 yds, 1" low @ 100 yds. Same zero setting 2450 fps W/33gr Vmax (6.8gr Alliant 2400) is 2 1/2" high @ 100 yds, zero @ 175 yds, 1 1/2" low @ 200 yds. 100 yds 200yds I plan to use the 40gr RNFMJ for Squirrels next fall. The 33gr Vmax is deadly on Groundhogs around the farm. 33gr Vmax/30gr Berger
  17. When I hunted on public land in Indiana, all but two of the considerable number of deer I killed during firearms season were taken between 10:00 AM & 1:00 PM. I would pack a lunch & stay out all day. Most hunters would head in aout 9:00 AM. The deer I would see where not moving in an escape mode. They were usually feeding. The two exceptions were taken around 3:30 PM.
  18. Always, always wash out a paunch hit animal ASAP. I flush 'em out thoroughly W/a hose that has a good nozzle to blast any digestive matter.
  19. Since the Japanese are noted for some of the highest QC in the world, what is your logic? I don't have a problem buying Japanese or (Western) European made stuff since either have a higher wage scale than the USA. I don't feel like I'm cutting my own throat when I support a higher standard of living than what is currently prevalent in the USA. The Japanese have a Constitutional right to collective bargaining so their wages are quite high & deservidly so given their high quality work.
  20. Sounds like an excellent opportunity for an improvement in "quality of life".
  21. I once red a book written by a biologost about Gray Squirrels. In then book it said that Hazelnuts were the most nuticious mast there is for Gray Squirrels
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