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wildcat junkie

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Everything posted by wildcat junkie

  1. Here's one I remember my grandma saying. Rare as hen's teeth.
  2. If grasshoppers had machine guns, birds wouldn't f*** with them.
  3. If frogs had wings, they wouldn't bump their ass when they jump.
  4. .22lr guns can be particular about what ammo they like. Some aren't particular at all. You have to find what your particular weapon likes. I had a Remington 541T HB that would shoot Win T22s better than anything else I tried. Nice pistol BTW.
  5. I just saw another reference of 1126 fps so we can agree that it is more than 1100 fps under most atmospheric conditions in air. I think my 1145 fps was taken from Lyman literature a long time ago & I was quoting from memory. Relative humidity, temperature, barometric pressure, altitude & even air polution can affect it to some degree. Am I correct in stating that the speed will increase in direct proportion to the increase in air density? I always like CCI standard velocity .22lr ammo. Green tag was good, but too expensive for my tastes. The last time I bought 22lr ammo it was in a rural S. Indiana convenience store that had a small gun counter. CCI "Sub Sonic" (not match mind you) was significantly more expensive than Std Vel & the Mv was within about 10 fps. I think it's called "marketing", but I coiuld be wrong. My main use for .22lr is head shooting squirrels so accuracy is pretty important.
  6. He had more chins than a phone book in Chinatown.
  7. He didn't have enough sense to pour piss out of a boot, even if the instructions were printed on the heel.
  8. You'd bitch if they hung you with a new rope.
  9. According to NASA, the only thing that will affect is a boost in magnetinc compass sales as existing compasses will no longer be calibrated correctly.
  10. Have you watched "Alaska the Last Frontier" over the last 2 seasons? I'm watching it now & they are concerned that they aren't getting enough snow & it's too warm. Been that way for the last 2 winters. The were also summer like temperatures @ the Sochi winter olympics in Russia last year. WTF?
  11. The speed of sound is 1145 fps @ sea level, but a bullet can go "sonic" @ a lower velocity due to shape of the ogive & the fact that the air at the boundary layer will excede the speed of sound as it moves around the bullet thus creating a (sonic) shock wave. In some blunt nosed pistol bullets this can be less than 1,000 fps. I once won a $50 bet about the speed of sound (1145 fps) due to this (sonic) bullet terminology. Maximum bullet instability occurs as the bullet breaks the sonic barrier as it leaves the muzzle & again when it goes "subsonic". Hence, the usual "subsonic" values of .22lr match ammunition. The other side of it is to make the shape VLD W/a high BC minimizing the effect of the shock wave @ the muzzle & having a high enough Mv to stay well above the "sonic" barrier throughout the trajectory to the intended target.. This is the usual scnerio in CF rifle match ammo.
  12. Isn't .22ir "Match" ammo usually subsonic? Nothing wrong W/wax coated lead bullets as lomg as you don't carry them loose in your pocket.
  13. It's: "I might be ignorant, but I'm not stupid."
  14. Here are some PIX of the 2# Kansas Ringnecks I used to raise & release. they were FAST, & flushed explosivly. I bought the chicks from Peaceable Hill Preserv ein Vermont. Shpped via USPS. I keep them in a 25' X 150' flight pen located far away from the house. I had a solar powered fence charger & ran hot wires @ the chicken wire/nylon net transition 3' above ground level to keep predtors @ bay. The ground was run directly to the chicken wire which was buried 12" deep. They were quite wild for pen raised birds. My Brittany Max became quite adept @ pinning the birds down if we kept up with him & cut off their escape route. I ran a small scale NY licensed commercial hunting preserve for several years. Here are some satisfied customers. Max is semi "retired" now.
  15. Savage AXIS II is light. (too light for my tastes) Remington Mountain Rifle is another lightweight. about 7# W/a compact svope.
  16. Reform would suit me if they reformed it enough. I support the background checks, but not much else. Havent read the whole thing but most of what I have read is ludicrous.
  17. Well up here, when they go Patridge hun'in, they drive down forest roads W/a .22 & shoot 'em from the car window off tree limbs alongside of the road. In my whole life, I've taken a few (2) from a limb myself, but it was just a fluke, not the whole plan all along.
  18. When I was raising Pheasants, I bought "Kansas Ringneck" chicks. They matured @ about 2# & they flushed like Grouse. No climbout to level off, just shit & git. I tried Mongolians one year. 5# chickens! When guys would bring ill behaved dogs they would end up chasing & catching them after a short flight.
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