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  • Hunting Location
    Capital Region
  • Hunting Gun
    Winchester model 94 30-30
  • Bow
    Darton Spectra e
  • HuntingNY.com
    Punks under a bridge

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  1. Got it done last night. Been busy. Rensselaer County.
  2. Good morning and good luck to everyone this morning. Just got into my spot. Pine bushin it today.
  3. Checking in from 4B. 20 shots from across the road. No movement here. Sitting with my wife on her first day of firearm season.
  4. Anyone have 4B? i have 4K.... and the coveted 4J.
  5. I'm here! I exist. Unfortunate loss in the family on Saturday, so its been hectic. Brought my deer to Bleu's in Schoharie. The blood trail was not great but he didn't go far. I set up between food and bedding and just got lucky. I knew there were good deer back there but with two trailcams stolen, I was out there blind, standing next to a tree. I'll be getting out with my wife this week and see if we cant get her to connect for the first time. Thank you for all the congrats and good luck to everyone. Ill get more involved now that I can earn really cool badges!
  6. Lurkin in the pine bush. Opening morning. Can youuuuu diiiig it?!! Sent from my SM-N981U using Tapatalk
  7. Good morning to all and good luck. Always lurking on the forum... today I'll be lurking in the pine bush.
  8. Id suggest making a paste with the koji. Add water and let it sit for three days on a rack. $75 at a local restaurant... near free at home. I wouldn't make another steak any other way. Thats my parents last cow. Scottish highland.
  9. I like to still hunt public land when its raining or windy. Ive had a few successful hunts under those conditions. If I feel like Ive made too much noise, Ill let out a small grunt. It worked last Friday.
  10. Koji dry aged steak. Look it up, and try it. Its easy and tastes excellent.
  11. Great pine bush bucks on cam... just haven't seen any yet. Good luck today. I'll be out later.
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