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Productive weekend-plots and other work

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Had a great extented weekend with my dad and brothers at the farm. We prep and planted 2 acres of brassica with 60lbs of N, put in a pond, put in some trails, fixed some tubes on 2yr old oaks and watered the melon and pumkins. Also, here are some pictures of some plots. They are doing ok even with the lack of rain but we need it bad. The clover plot was planted last fall, this spring I sprayed it with a low dose of gly to kill the rye grass. It's doing ok even with the lack of rain. Did get 20 min rain this morning but not enough.







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Dang those plots are massive.

Seems like it would be hard to get anything big to come to a plot of that size before dark. What kind of luck do you have hunting the edges of them? or do you go back into the woods? Around here rye is all they get so they gobble it up. :biggrin:

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Dang those plots are massive.

Seems like it would be hard to get anything big to come to a plot of that size before dark. What kind of luck do you have hunting the edges of them? or do you go back into the woods? Around here rye is all they get so they gobble it up. :biggrin:

99.99% of my plots are nutritional plots. Also, the pictures make them bigger than they look. Most of the plots are an acre to 2 acre plots besides the corn. I started managing my land in 2005 and since then we never shot a buck in those plots. We hunt the woods between the bedding and food. The last mature buck i took on the farm was 2006. Since, the season is opening October 1st, we have a good chance of seeing a mature buck in those fields during legal hunting hours.

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