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If I Were Elected President

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If I were elected President

These are 3 projects that would be on my agenda. If you were president what 3 projects would be on your agenda?

Here are mine.

1) Protect our borders: Bring all troops home from around the world. It is only a matter of time before an outsider, a country or terrorist group, raid us. By being strong at access points on our borders we can decrease this threat. They need to be patrolled at all points.

Some countries will never change. There will always be fighting. Some do not want nor will ever really accept democracy so why do we keep trying to change others at the expense of our military casualties and billions of dollars in costs.

We don’t need to be in other countries. It costs us money to be there the money and protection is necessary here. The Air Force should be flying our borders, the Navy cruising our shores and the Army and Marines patrolling our borders.

2) Immigration: We have become way too lax on letting anyone in. We have changed our language to accommodate the foreign tongue. An extensive background check would be a requirement as well.

A requirement would be that each and every person enroll in a English course to learn to read and write in our English language. Our forefathers did… the poles, the italians, the germans, the czechs, everyone. We did not cater to their language, they accepted and learned ours and they were not given one penny. They came here to the land of opportunity.

Every immigrant would be required to enroll in and pass a basic course of understanding in both reading and writing. The course could be a 6 month course (or however long it was determined for a person of average intelligence to be able to comprehend and use to communicate with others).

Each immigrant that enrolls would be eligible for government financial subsidies for this 6 month period. After they have passed this testing they would still be eligible for another 6 month of government financial subsidies. After the one year mark they better have a job because the subsidies are over.

This would be a huge boost in employment in the teaching profession as well as clerical positions in every city in the country.

3) Jobs: The first thing that needs to be done would be to place a tariff/tax on goods manufactured outside the country. The second would be to place a tariff/tax on goods manufactured outside the country but owned by American companies. The third would be to give tax cuts to goods manufactured in America by American companies. This would be an incentive to manufacture in our country, hire people who live in our country, even the immigrants that learned our language.

The highest tariff would be placed goods manufactured and owned by companies in other countries. The tariff would be lower for goods manufactured outside our country but owned by American companies. Giving a tax break to companies who are American companies manufacturing in America would allow these companies to pay higher wages to americans who are used to making a better living.

By doing this it would begin to level the playing field thus encouraging companies to stay completely in America.

PS: In addition to this no more funding to other countries. We have our own problems that need attention. No more space projects. Mars is 350 million miles away and that’s a long commute every day. This would save the US millions.

We don‘t need to live on another planet. We‘ve already messed this one up and we need to figure a way to clean this one back up.

The only funds that I would be in favor of would be a world cleanup fund to work together to clean up the planet we live in now. Other than that no more funding to other countries. Let the private sector donate.

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Removing foreign mobile military units? Sheesh.

I can understand "some" reasoning for the other two...but really? Cutting us off at the knees?

Although I was not in the military, I can offer some advisement on it because I lived it as a child of a career Navy veteran. I lived on foreign bases - at one point being at ground zero for submarine naval operations in Europe during the first Iraq war. Foreign presence has significant value, even in today's world.

Don't believe me? Look at Russia...they've recently started opening foreign presence again.

While taking care of "us" here is important. It starts on their territory. Not ours. Border security quality aside (not a manpower issue), our capabilities here are vast. Sure, nothing is foolproof, but when we need to rain down some power, we can and will - a drive to Fort Campbell or NAS Oceana or Norfolk is great evidence.

As a kid in more "lenient" times in the military, I was afforded access to things that many people never got to see. I know what it feels like to touch and handle a weapon that can wipe out an entire city and millions of lives. Just being around it made me nervous - yet we harness it with extreme precision. Imagine many of these sitting on a submarine with a broken propulsion component in the northern atlantic...how does it now get fixed if we have no foreign presence?

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Nybuckboy, two out of three increase the public dole. Couldn't support those.

I am not going to criticize without putting mine out there. and let me say that I am going to unroll my cold calloused heart for this, because that is what it is going to take.

Edited by Culvercreek hunt club
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1. Term limits- 2 terms period no matter the office. no benefits continuing past the term of service. no retirement, not health care , not for the officials an dnot for the families. You get it while you are serving but that is is.

2. Illegals gotta go. Without citizenship you get squat. Every citizen gets an ID card. No ID card you get a trip to the boarder. NO ID card--no vote. NO ID card, no medical, no emergency room nothing.

English only. NO tests or signs or anything in another language. We are an ENGLISH Speaking country.

3. Tort Reform.- Frivilous lawsuits will be taken on. You bring suit and lose the Compainants attorney will be responsible for all leagal costs for other party as well as court costs. Laws rewritten to allow juries to award inconvience damages for false suits if they see fit. (something like this should have been step one before any health care law)

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It is nice to stir things up and get some thought provoking ideas. I think we agree on immigrants to some degree. You are just much colder than I am about. Illegals deserve a trip to the border but our country was founded on immigrants but they had to conform to our way of life. Today they don't.

Oh and by the way. Those are only 3 of my proposals... there are more so let's everyone have an intelligent discussion with respect (difficult sometimes) to all.

Edited by nybuckboy
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Mine would be similar to Culvers. Id have to add a 4th though. Say bye bye to permanent welfare programs. It would all be treated similar to unemployment, where you can get it for only a limited time to give you a chance to get back to work, then youre on your own.

That is what I'm saying about the immigrants. It's temporary... learn the language... get a job or after a year it's gone.

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If you want to do it legal ---come on in!! but my great grand parents didn't have to get paid and supported to learn the language. they did it because they had to to succeed. How it shoul dbe now.

Agree but these are different times. And your 2 year term limit would never fly. I do agree that some people make careers out of political offices. It was never intended that way but it is that way now.

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The times are different and that is part of the problem. 20 years ago our family helped sponsor a Vietnamese family to come into the country.. they were very hard workers. We assisted then with an apartment and helped find an enrty level job. THey had 3 children. Fast forward 20 years. THey all speak fluent English( could after baout 2 years). Has a very good job with the State. Owns their own house and 4 rental properties. paid cash for the Childerns college (Pharmacist, Doctor and one still in). That is what can be done and should be done. They are Citizens of this country now and contribute. That is the American dream and the chemical that makes it possible is hard work.

And for the term limits....hey it is my dream let me dream it how I want...lol

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