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Obama's way of thinking . . .

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NY-There is a presumption that something is accomplished or achieved in the feeling of pride. Are you surprised that those on the left would have a hard time understanding the concept of pride? I mean even Mrs., Communist-in-Chief said it wasn’t until they were elected that there was a first time she felt proud to be an American.

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Ha Ha....Read what you just wrote...makes you look like an idiot! Do you honestly think you could keep up with Obama in an intellectual discussion? Hell, you couldn't keep up with Bush! No disrespect...just saying!

sarcasm.... read between the lines. its not hard. sounds like your the idiot. Edited by tughillhunter
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ever notice that those who always resort to the race card are actually the true racists. Obama played the race card on the Clintons durring the dem primarys of 2008. Bill said so, and we all know Clinton is no racist.

That leaves but one rational conclusion. :notme:

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If a black person disagrees with Obama is he/she then a racist?? hhmmm...hhmmm wish some crazy smart person could help me out with that one.

Barry Sotero (Barack) is a mulato. So you are racist if you are black or white and disagree with him. Because you obviously dislike his white half if you are black, and obviously dislike his black half if you are white.

Make sense now? It shouldn't because the race card is just an excuse for the left who can't own up to the fact that the guy is not qualified no matter color he is.

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There's some ideas floating around the net that he wasn't hiding his birth certificate, he's hiding his college transcripts because he lied about his origins to get into college. What's the deal with the lit book from '91 ? And this video of Benazir bhutto in 2007 nonchalantly mentioning the man who killed bin laden? Debunk all you want, something stinks like s****. I'm too busy busting my hump and paying taxes like a good little slave (like the rest of you) to go on the witch hunt. Hey gas is $4 a gallon. It must still be Bush's ties to the Saudis right?



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