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doe urine during rut


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If you know what you are doing when working with scents you can have great results on mature whitetails. I dont use the canisters to put my Pure Heat scent out. When i use Pure Heat and the rut is on its all about layin a scent trail. You want to get your scent from a farm that you know they bring their does in Pure Heat!!!

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when I had the bow shop I use to buy in 1/2 gal from a local deer farmer. He always use to say that it all based on the moon. I had the fresh and would keep in the old ice box to ensure it stayed fresh. Make sure you do no just put the bottle on the dash board if the truck. Direct sun light, heat, can just make that doe pee into nothing in a short time....

I use to kid with the guys coming in for the doe pee, tht I was not responsible if they put the bottle in there back pocket. If a deer buck attacked them on the way to there car or truck...

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ok so wick, a wick is just something to absorb and hold the liquid, so could a tampon be used as a wick?

Unused and unscented might wok( Did i just say that out loud?) I think you should stick to tinks or some other kind of drag though,lol I use one of those long feathers that you used to see on big bird when you were younger. Maybe some on here still watch it yet today!!!

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Many years ago when we hunted a friends old farm,there was a trail that went from one end to the other on higher ground,it bordered his neighbors property,near that trail on the neighbors property ( Paula ) were tampons hanging from the lower branches of a tree line.They were replaced every year with new ones.

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NOTE* This is a copy of a post I started about 2 years ago.............

For the past 10 years I have been bowhunting, I have tried any number of estrus urine scents to attract bucks.

In early season 2008, (Oct 31st or the first few days of Nov) It was early morning and dark as I walked down in the woods. There was a light drizzle and was gonna put up my tree umbrella. I had not been seeing much and figured I'd hang out some estrus.

Many had said it's too early for estrus but my way of thinking is - does a buck really know. My thoughts are that if it smells ripe and ready to a buck he's not gonna question whether it's too early or not.

I hung the scent about 15 yds in front of my stand and then climbed up. I sat there in the dark and about 5 min later I heard a racket about 100 yds away... alot of racket... branches breaking, etc. I thought it was this young hunter who sneaks into the property stumbling thru the woods in the dark and I was getting pissed thinking about it. About 5 min later the same thing.

Then about 5 min later and still dark but light enough to see, a big rack buck with really long beams, came straight through the thick cover and stuck his nose right on the scent. I had drawn the bow back but he must have seen my movement or the tree umbrella din't look right against the early morning sky. He jumped 180 and stepped behind a tree. Before I could get the shot of he took 3 quick bounds and then stopped. Then just disappeared.

The estrus scent was a Golden Estrus "Trophy Leaf" from Wildlife Research. The funny thing was I scoffed at this product for a couple years while I used all the other liquid urine products. To date, The only thing that I can absolutely say has drawn a buck is this gold leaf. I do not include a buck that came down the trail in the direction of the scent b/c that could be coincidence.

PS: I'll not put the scent out until it is light enough to see in the future.

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i try to collect urine from deer that either i get or a member of our party gets u smell that and smell the store bought and they smell so much differently also try using a doe scent gland i always save one in freezer for start start of season till i get a new one. to me this is more natural to the deer around then the stores garbage

and lol to golden leaf my father used the red colored leafs not sure what they were called but they smelled like licorice (not sure of spelling) funny thing is deer walked right up to them

Edited by pryz366
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Good topic with many good comments. I had a life long hunting buddy we go back to 1970's - shot lots of deer. His favorite rifle was a Rem/Semi/30-06. He was active at the range shooting all kinds of guns and calibers. He lost a lot of weight after stomach cancer and good not take the pounding of the 30-06. He switched to Rem. managed recoil, 125 grain. He put on a new stock recoil pad. He said it shoots much more comfortable. I believe, he uses the managed recoil deer hunting and he still gets his deer. I don't see him much since the cancer he moved out of NYS to live with his son but we communicate a few times a year as I recall he told me his shoots the 30-06 with the managed recoil. Point is when you like the gun and are a good hunter/shot the deer go down. Second point. I know of a man that has hunted across this country, Europe, S.A. and Africa. For deer, he uses the heaviest load possible. The area he hunts is pretty thick with very few longer shots, let's say 75-100 yds. He told me that on his land he has only taken a 100 yd. shot only a couple of times. His point, is what he learned in S.A., the guides there prefer the heaviest load in thick stuff for a little more edge getting to the target - twigs, small branches are the issue. I'm not recommending only adding to the discussion. I shoot 30-06, 150, Rem., plain jane no problems.

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