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Helpless Encounter

Renegade Hunter

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This occured at about 1:30 in the afternoon. Moving a stand to a nice run that a small buck was spotted cruising down last week. Three of us were dragging a stand into this place (double seater so I can take the wife out). We lay down the stand to look at some potential trees when all of a sudden this guy pops up 35 yards away. We croutched in the bryers and watched him for a good two minutes until I figured I might as well take a video. He came from the right and was completely braodside at 35 yards. JUST WALKING, not knowing where the noise came from. He stopped behind a clump of trees for a good two minutes then decided to get on the run and walk right toward us. Beautiful deer. The whole front of him was gray with nearly pure white horns. Great mass. He had 5 on one side that we know for sure. As I clicked to take the video he stopped on that run as you can see. 25 yards out. He bounds a few times and stops again near the top of the ridge and looks back... and walks off. Talk about feeling helpless... I'm never going into the woods without my bow again...

Sorry for the crappy video (taken on my phone)

but I figured you guys would appreciate the story.

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Yea he was actually spotted early yesterday morning with that awesome frost. My buddy was filming his hunt and actually got him on camera again. Only came to within 60 yards. Watched him for 14 minutes this time. And yes Cliff, I might just have to do some stalking around that area during mid day and catch him bedding. there are also multiple other big bucks that i got on cam that i would love to see.. Wish me luck!

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