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recurve question


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hello from queens we're surviving riding a bike to work no elect no comp. using my moms note book now for the question shooting the recurve i've done everything split fingers,three fingers under cant thebow or not cant shoot constisly two bulls then all fliers al over the target what can i do to shoot thank you pllease remember the people in si, the rockaways and jersey in you prayers

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The first thing to look at is form. Form is a huge problem when you are shooting any bow but specailly a recurve. THere is no let off so if you have incorrect form you are muscleing the bow back to your ancor point. After a couple of shots your arm gets tired you pick up bad habits or flyers.

Make sure you are not just jumping in with a very heavy recurve. Just because you pull 60 pound with a compound doesn't mean you are going to be able to do it with a recurve.

I have a problem with gripping the bow too hard which gives me a consistant high left shot. I stop that by holding the bow with just one finger and thumb. You can get a wrist loop to hold your bow to.

Consistancy is a huge factor, practice a lot. You can't just pick up a recurve and shoot it in a great group. I try to shoot all year just to keep my muscle memory up.

It is very hard to tell what is going on with out seeing it. Are they all flying consistant to one area? (high left low left etc)

Edited by biggamefish
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thank you sorry for getting back late wasin rockaway working still no elect or comp .i shoot when i have some down time exactly mostly high to the left i shoot then i try to compensat and shoot low to the right very frustating i shoot 50 lbs samick sage w/ 28" 400 arrow shoot w/ a glove was thinking [very dangerous thing for me to do haha] of a tab also torqing the bow looked on you tube on shooting recurve .

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i try to set the brace high @71/4" shot today a little better iam buying that book from three rivers frustrating can shoot one time so well and then cant hit the side of a barn the next .side note got elect back today worried about the people in the rockaways and broadchannel its getting cold they still have no elct and still flooded basements

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