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Remember the farmers field...


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All the water testing we had to do?..well they came the Friday before storm and did a heavy spraying...I'm thinking round up or equivalent...then the storm hit...our culvert ran muddy and so hard it went over the drive...so much for the drain tiles...the river of water that came across the field was below the tile installment...any who...we've been on bottled water since last week...the smell coming out of our tap is chemical in nature...going to get water test bottles now...they can't get here to do the testing for two weeks so I'll take the samples in and let them do the bacteria and e-coli tests first...then have them send out to comprehensive lab to test for chemicals....never had a problem with contamination before this....the waters ran muddy which never happened before Either.....So hoping this was not going to happen....pretty sure he plans on spraying manure during the winter...seeing they did not do it after harvest...the spring run off is always heavy...but never had contamination before....if a river of mud caused this I can't see a river with manure not being a problem...Well I'm off to take care of this...wish us luck

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Got test bottle ran the water and taking it back...2 ppl stopped me to ask where I got all the snow from on the van....yep up in them there hills...lol...told them that we'd be sending some there way soon...lol

I took a bottle in for them to smell when I picked up test bottle...wrinkled nose and pulled back saying that's weird...great...so doesn't seem to smell like what they are use to with bacteria and e-coli....may be more testing ahead...wonderful...Mr going to go over the edge...aauuughh

Good thing...set up to have new studded snows put on this week...may get out this afternoon after all....

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Well got test back...we are contaminated...bacteria and e-coli..great....worse is ...I had to go talk to the farmer to find out what they sprayed just before the storm...he started loosing it and I did my best to defuse the situation...said he didn't have give me the info but would???...We can clean the e-coli and bacteria but not the chemicals...so have to find out....his reaction caused enough concern to call county health and the DEC..for he said ...well I could have legally sprayed down the middle of hedge row but didn't...nice...when all I kept saying was lets just try and get all info and see what happened before everyone gets upset...apparently that didn't work...waiting for calls...I just want to go hunting...not sure if showers are safe...all dishes need to be rinsed in bleach....

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Grow, sorry to hear that you are having that much trouble with the farmer. Keep us informed as this is something that I have been familiar with and have had concerns about since the farmer by us does the same thing. Sure does suck that you have to cut into your time and money to chase after this when it should be something that's controlled better by the farmer. Good Luck!

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Well We are saving the receipts...bad enough that county called back...they called the state and I have to make an appointment for them to come out tomorrow morning to survey things....called when I was out getting mail..of course closed before I got the message there goes another day of prime hunting........The DEC has this falling into two categories...the hazardous material and water purity...so it will be a bit before they figure out how to handle it....Had he not responded they way he did those calls would likely have gone out after the chemical test...but I fear getting the list from him is going to be difficult...so I'll let these agancies expedite things if need be....Worried the smell is sticking to everything...my washer smells awful

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I've often wondered about what some of that stuff that goes onto a field does to ground water. Even that stinking manure slurry that they spray on the fields. I've seen some of that go on unbelievably heavy. One would think that some residual bacteria and evil organisms would find their way into the water system underground.

I really am sorry to hear that you are having this problem. Not everything that farmers do is harmless, apparently. It will be interesting to see what the extent of the damage is to your water source. Perhaps there are other people that live next to farms that ought to be checking their water occasionally. You may actually have turned out to be lucky in that the pollution was something detectable by odor. Just think if you hadn't have gotten that kind of a warning.

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well if you had it tested and it only showed e-coli and bacteria, that is what you have. You could have had it tested for chemicals. Those are common things in a farmers field from spreading manure. I would think that the tests would have revealed anything else. I am sure I am wrong, but that is ok.

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Bubba ...you can't go to the testing lab and say test for round up...they have to have the specific chemicals in the round up and the surfactant that was used in the batch...to my very happy surprise I just came home from hunting to find a very thick packet for me in the storm door...The farmer brought up all the chemical info as well as the customer receipt from the spraying company and what and how much was sprayed and the day and time it was sprayed...Kudos to them for doing this and so quickly....

The county called the moment I walked through the door...They will be here soon and said that they are also taking samples and testing for nitrates and another form of e-coli...then said their cost...Thank you thank you...I'm going to see if they'll spring for the chemical tests as well...won't push it though we were going to any ways...Thanks for the replies ...wish us luck...So far every ones really been very good about this situation....

Edited by growalot
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Doc...we were on high alert the second it started to rain so hard...We knew that any heavy rains would cause major ponding on the high side of well...slowly seeping into the ground water our well it's self is never flooded and is above any flood waters...but the soils are clay mix and then shale or bed rock...making it easier for the slow draining pond to make it to even a deep well...and yes the spraying just before the storm had us concerned ...we took water samples before the storm...this was just to show any difference in smell the moment we noticed a smell we went on bottled water...

I have my work cut out for me...our fridge has water and ice on the door so all of that needs flushing and the inside thoroughly bleached...all dishes/cutlery/pots and pans need to go in a bleach rinse...can't do any thing until everyone gets what ever sample they need....

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no manure yet...I said "I know your schedule is to spread this winter"...he looked surprised and said "yes it is"...to which I said..."if this happened with no manure you need to be aware of the potential to ruin our well"....Right now it is a soil born e-coli and bacteria

So very glad we spent the money to test this summer...Pheww..missed the bullet on that one...

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Today...this just gets better... :fie: ..So state came took pics and water samples yesterday...I go to drop of the ingredients to the two herbicides and surfactant he used and pick up test bottles...seriously...I gag showering now...need to bleach the system ....No...they have to fax ingredients to find out what test bottles to use and cost...so I said cost isn't the issue we need to know if it's in the well....she looks at me and says...it maybe an issue...some of these chemical tests costs......THOUSANDS of dollars...What the freak!!!!....and nothing will come back until Monday...so another weekend of this smell and danger.......the bacteria getting into our eyes when showering or mouths...especially with the e-coli

Oh Mr B. mentions this morning...So on the day we get the conformation letter that our house is payed off...our well gets contaminated....doesn't that figure?!.....actually...yes....lol

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Continue to document everything, including the hours you spend to re-clean your kitchenware, etc. Keep track of the hours you are losing sleep, losing out on hunting, etc. Sounds like you got a pretty solid case against this farmer. Don't give in to anything and in the end I think you will rewarded financially. Lastly, do not accept the first financial offer you receive. Ask for more!

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Doe...... this farmer just started leasing the land this spring...the field was a horse hay field that had...since we've lived here...been plowed just once and oats were put in 12 years or so ago..they failed so it went back to hay...the horse farmer had limed and fertilized the field in the past and our well had ZERO problems...all previous lab tests showed...perfect water...no high levels of minerals and nothing that shouldn't be there...no taste and no smells....

Edited by growalot
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Wonder what changed then? Maybe something underground shifted or something. Ecoli and the like are a different set of problems than chemicals obviously but isn't there a way to shock the well back to safe use?

My house is far enough away from the swamp that gets the run off that I should be ok, in theory.

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We are worried that if all of a sudden ground water is able to get into the well..then the chemicals he sprayed just before the rains started followed suite....we are going to shock and then purge the well but can't do that until all samples are taken...and that won't happen until next week...lab called but it went to voice mail and I didn't get it in time....the county left a message at the house...your tests are positive...call Tuesday ...Mondays a Holiday...Well I can say...NO Surprise There!!....lol...Good more evidence ..independent for the future ...if...hopefully not...needed.

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  • 9 months later...

Long  story..in short...but they plowed field after the no till corn last fall.......then worked it again in the spring and planted oats and clover...the field now no longer roars down towards us...for the vegetation and aeration catches the water...Gov. agencies were of no help...but they seemed to have listened to us(farmer)

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