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Sterling Forest opening day!


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Hey guys looking forward to opening day this sat! Good luck to all you southern zone hunters and if anyone is going to be hunting at sterling state forest let me know! I plan on parking at p-15 and heading east bound. If anyone else has any pointers on good spots to check out at sterling forest state park let me know! Thanks again guys lets hear some stories!

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yea thats so funny i parked at p15 and had probably the same doe in my sights! Had a great spot on top of a cliff and i had no doe tag! Guys were popping shots off like crazy!!!! I didnt see a single buck however i came across count em 12 hunters! the place was so over crowded it was like fly fishing for salmon in delaware! Everywhere i looked there was blazing orange lol Although i didnt get my my buck i still had an amazing time out in the woods and spent the ride home picking ticks off me and flicking em out the window lol anyone else have any luck?!

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Some guys definately had more than 5 rounds in their guns.

Youre allowed 6 for an autoloader, and theres no limit on bolt guns, pump action, etc.

From the DEC regs...

"It is unlawful to hunt big game with:

  • A firearm or bow aided by any artificial light or a laser that projects a beam toward the target.
  • An autoloading firearm with a capacity of more than 6 shells (one which requires that the trigger be pulled separately for each shot), except an autoloading pistol with a barrel length of less than 8 inches.
  • A firearm using rimfire ammunition.
  • A shotgun of less than 20 gauge or any shotgun loaded with shells other than those carrying a single projectile.
  • A bow with a draw weight of 35 lbs or less.
  • Arrows with barbed broadheads; arrowheads less than 7/8 inches at the widest point or with less than 2 sharp cutting edges.
  • Dogs.
  • Aircraft of any kind.
  • Bait."


Honestly, from many of your posts, I suggest you read the regs.

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Honestly, from many of your posts, I suggest you read the regs.

Aren't you the guy that shoots a deer in the a$s, and chases it all day, and for the next 3 days after that ? Then finds it 2 weeks later 1/2 eaten by coyotes.

I suggest you go to the range and practice some before stepping foot in the woods.

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Aren't you the guy that shoots a deer in the a$s, and chases it all day, and for the next 3 days after that ? Then finds it 2 weeks later 1/2 eaten by coyotes.

I suggest you go to the range and practice some before stepping foot in the woods.

No, Im not. I get plenty of practice thanks. I have a had a few occasions through the years where I have missed deer, or a time or two made a bad shot that ended with a wounded deer that lived. Ill admit to that. Never killed one and found it days later, or eaten by coyotes, ever. I do know what the regs are as well.

BTW, it was a friendly suggestion, guess the truth hurts though.

Oh, and the ONLY deer I ever shot in the hindquarters (not the "ass") died in seconds with no tracking necessary.

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yep, I know your the deer wounderer. with a 12 ga slug no less. And no deer dies from being shot in the hind quarters, "with-in seconds". That's total BS. And how could you possibly know if he lived or died a slow painful death??? Fact is you can't. Your just very imature.

5 rounds or 6 rounds. makes no difference. I hunt with 4 rounds. In fact, my rifle holds 5 rounds, but there is no reason to have more than 3 or 4. Doesn't matter, I only take clean shots. I wont shoot at a running deer. I won't shoot in the gut, or hind quarters.

I suggest you stay home and stop wounding animals. Keep on reading all the regs. Become a master at them.

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Ive never even shot a deer with a 12ga LMAO, again you dont know a damn thing you are talking about. I hunted a total of 1 season with a 12, which was last year. I shot my deer last year with my bow, then one in late muzzleloader.

BS huh? Well, say what you will, but I hit the femoral artery, apparently you dont know squat about deer anatomy either. I never said it was a shot I MEANT to make, but I took the shot and watched the deer expire right in front of me in seconds as it slid down the snow covered ravine.

I suggest you stop talking out of your ass and learn the regs.

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WNYBuckhunter is correct on the femoral artery shot..

If you hit that, they leave a blood trail that Stevie Wonder could follow and they don't go far.

I don't endorse shooting a deer in the hindquarters, but am only sharing my observations after 45 years of deer hunting. Things don't always work out perfectly, and it ain't always pretty, but if it gets the job done, it's fine with me.

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hot damn! This post blew up! Well i appreciate everyones input turns out i think there were plenty of guys out there just shooting there rifles off at the ground. It can be a little sketchy hunting overpopulated public grounds. I took pride in not shooting the doe and the satisfaction that after hiking an estimated 4-5 miles in the woods by the time the day was through i did not take a single shot! I enjoyed the hell out of the trip and was so comfortable i actually fell asleep on some moss on the top of a mountain. I woke up two hours later to a shot that was fired about 20 feet away from me. Prob was that buck i was waiting for lol. Either way i was on two hours of sleep and was at the park by 2:30 am! Def too early however the mystique of being up in pitch darkness in the middle of the woods all alone was amazing! The stars were out and the feeling of being off the grid was unimaginable.. Although i still did not manage to get my first buck after two years of trying some really great news just arrived! Turns out a buddy of mine just invited me up to hunt on his private 200 acre property and stay in his cabin with him and his son! I believe the place is in 7s but ill have to double check. I will keep you all posted on my results. I went back to the range after the trip and my weatherby vanguard series 2 is dead on at 100 yards seated i had a grouping in the bulls eye within an inch apart so its game time!

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WNYBuckhunter is correct on the femoral artery shot..

If you hit that, they leave a blood trail that Stevie Wonder could follow and they don't go far.

I don't endorse shooting a deer in the hindquarters, but am only sharing my observations after 45 years of deer hunting. Things don't always work out perfectly, and it ain't always pretty, but if it gets the job done, it's fine with me.

Like I said, it wasnt on purpose. It was a follow up shot and the way the deer was laying, It looked like I was putting one in her chest, and it ended up being her ham. I would never shoot one there on purpose, that was just lucky that it worked out the way it did. Ruined too much meat though.

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