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Warren County- Hunter Shot


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All is not well the man passed away. It's another horrible act by some moron that just shoots at anything they hear. And then the guy took off. Thats just ridiculous it's bad enough he shot the poor man then he never even called it in to try and save the mans life.

Sounds like murder even if it was an accident. Theres no accident in shooting someone and not even calling for help. I hope they catch em.

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well heres another.. same circumstances r.i.p to both men


at east this one is probably a good argument for sunrise to sunset hours considering sunset according to the chart I looked at was 4:33PM. Obey the laws better chance of staying alive, and not killing someone. Regardless both useless tragedies.

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Can you imagine how ugly it would be to start out with a pleasant day of hunting with a friend only to have it all end like this? Imagine having to live with something like that for the rest of your life. One moment's indiscretion, and one guy's life is ended and the other's is ruined. I honestly don't believe I could live with such a thing. People have to keep their minds engaged at all times.

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Can you imagine how ugly it would be to start out with a pleasant day of hunting with a friend only to have it all end like this? Imagine having to live with something like that for the rest of your life. One moment's indiscretion, and one guy's life is ended and the other's is ruined. I honestly don't believe I could live with such a thing. People have to keep their minds engaged at all times.

your right Doc, people do have to keep their minds engaged at all times! unfortunately not all do, some get lucky and

nothing bad happens while others live with the results the rest of their lives.

when I was teaching hunter education at the conclusion of the class I always ended with a closing statement to the class.

you all have sat through this class, we as instructors have gone over firearm safety, hunter safety, and a host of other

subjects. You have all taken and passed the required test. we as instructors can NOT set in the field with you to make

sure you follow firearm safety, THAT is up to YOU! in closing just remember one thing, this is REAL life, its not hollywood,

its not your favorite cartoon, its real life, once you pull the trigger or let go of the bow string there is NO calling the shot

back!! there are no do overs, no retakes, so remember be SURE of your target and what lies beyond it!

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at east this one is probably a good argument for sunrise to sunset hours considering sunset according to the chart I looked at was 4:33PM. Obey the laws better chance of staying alive, and not killing someone. Regardless both useless tragedies.

It seems like its worse this yr than in yrs past. I have been getting into my stand 1/2 hr before sunrise every day I went out this yr and without fail I would hear 3 or 4 shots before I could even see the reticle in my scope. Same with sundown.

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nah they can all see perfect before sunrise. must have bionic eyes is all i can figure. A bit off topic I know but if they want to move the hours eliminate scopes so you have to identify your target with the naked eye. 44 and higher mm reticles make it really easy to cheat even if you are looking at a person in the scope to identify your target

Edited by bubba
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