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asking for permission


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i want to ask someone for permission to hunt on their land. i dont know the person and i NEVER see them outside. so i was wondering would it be better to wait to see them outside, knock on their door or leave a note explaining why i left it and info to contact me?

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wouldnt in hunting clothes, will prob wait until after season onless i get a chance to talk to them before season ends i will just tell them i wont hunt there this season. i would like to scout out the land in the offseason anyway before i hunt it

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As a land owner, I can say a note left at my place would get you nothing! Knock on the door, ask to muzzleload the late season, explain what you would like to do and offer any kind of game they would and that you would be willing to help do anything around the place to help them out!!!

was going to offer a hand around the land, racking leaves fixing gutters etc. or jus give them some meat. whatever they want. i would be hnting with my bow anyways o they wouldnt have to worry about stray bullets or anything like that. quite like a church mouse lol. tomorrow will be really nice here maybe i can catch them outside cutting some firewood or something

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Never liked to ask during season, did once though and it got me the best piece of turkey hunting land in walton. Knock, at a respectable time, ask and explain what your intentions are, have some references ready, written down(not family). Be polite and respectful. If they say flat out no, ask for next year. We asked for turkey hunting and 5 years later had run of the property including deer season,although we never hunt deer there. Even when the owner leased it out for hunting he reserved the first week of turkey for us no charge. Of course the christmas ham and cards prolly helped every year..

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With 700 acres i get alot of guys ask and living next to a military base brings on all kinds. I have had people with face paint on come and ask me. I have 8pt or better rule and very little pressure from the guys that hunt so we have bucks out at all times. Had a nice wide 8p (Short Tines) that liked to walk around all day long and was always near the road, Guy stops in a tie and asks if he can just step off the road out of his car and shoot it.

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With 700 acres i get alot of guys ask and living next to a military base brings on all kinds. I have had people with face paint on come and ask me. I have 8pt or better rule and very little pressure from the guys that hunt so we have bucks out at all times. Had a nice wide 8p (Short Tines) that liked to walk around all day long and was always near the road, Guy stops in a tie and asks if he can just step off the road out of his car and shoot it.

Lucky they stopped and asked. They would just step out of a car here, and fire away.

Edited by landtracdeerhunter
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