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Help for an educator who hunts

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It goes without saying that teachers who hunt are rare. Since the tragic events in Newtown, discussions around the faculty room have focused primarily on stricter gun laws and gun bans, as well as some acknowledgement that mental health and over-prescribing meds to kids also contribute to this and other recent tragedies.

I will readily admit that I am not a "gun nut." I hunt birds with a hand me down 12 gauge, borrow a slug gun for deer occasionally and bow hunt for deer. I personally own only two guns and two bows and they suffice for my hunting needs and budget (probably about 50 hunts a year of various types).

The faculty that tolerate my hunting stories see no issue with the guns I have but wonder about the necessity of AR's in the hunting world. I do not have a valid answer as to why AR's can be and should be legal weapons except for 2nd ammendment. I really am hoping for some advice.

I just re-read this and it feels like an anti-gun person writing it. Believe me, I'm a real hunter.

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You can tell them that what kind of gun it is doesnt matter cause its not the point of it

all. if they can get away with banning the ar 15 whats next the mini 14 that excepts the same size

mags as the ar.point of the matter

if they know they can get away with it they will try to ban any gun they want. and alot of predator hunters use the ar

for hunting coyotes cause its small and compact and is easy to hunt in brush with it.

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i am also an educator who works in NY. While there are not many of us, there are a few guys in my district that hunt. i pride myself in being an educated person who can dispell some of the "dumb hillbilly" hunter stereotypes.

Unfortunately as with any major tragedy, there is a lot of knee jerk reaction. i find myself "educating " my coworkers on such things as "semi automatic" "assault weapons" etc.

i find it is best for us as hunters/sportsman to be good representatives for our hobbies. being polite and using common sense goes a long way...

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Certainly words like semi automatic make no sense to a non hunter. They see no benefit to such a device since they have no basis for understanding how it is intended to be used appropriately.

The knee jerk reaction does make it very difficult to have civil conversations about the actual issues that are plaguing our society.

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It's obvious that almost all of the people who are screaming for the abolishion of the modern sporting rifles have absolutely no idea why other than that they "look" destructive. They have been sold a bill of goods by the anti-gunners who have no problem with flat out lies about these being "weapons of war" even though they fully realize that other than appearance, there are no functional similarities.

The problem is that they have already made up their minds and no amount of explanation will change their views. All the antis have to do is show them a picture and all the logic goes right out the window. It's like a subliminal "flashcard", and it works.

The bottom line is that we are in the minority, and a lot of those that we count on to represent the pro-gun side of the argument are cowering in the shadows afraid to speak out, or still think that the 2nd amendment was all about hunting, or they are those with the attitude of, "Hey, I've got mine, the heck with yours" approach to gun ownership ...... The idea that I will never buy one of those so you're on your own buddy. At any rate, the gun owning community is once again shown as a dis-organized, every-man-for-himself bunch of people who couldn't organize for the common good if they had to.

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you and I are in the same boat. Those that do have an arsenal will never be convinced otherwise so don't waste your breath. There is no need for mags over 10 rounds. You can have your AR as far as I'm concerned but you don't need that amount of capacity for plinking. Honestly if they banned military style firearms I wouldn't shed a tear, but the fear you and I should have as hunters is "where do they stop?" 5 years from now somebody shoots up a mall with a semi automatic remington 12 gauge and then they go after them?

My dad and I are big conservative hunters and my mom is a liberal teacher. it's funny to be at our dinner table sometimes. I don't think you should risk ruining relationships defending the second amendment to a group who is stuck in their ways, just like some of the gun nuts are stuck in theirs. If approached my response would be the truth. I own 2 guns that i use to hunt. It's a healthy sport i use to enjoy the outdoors, get some exercise and it even feeds my family. See what their response is to that.

i pride myself in being an educated person who can dispell some of the "dumb hillbilly" hunter stereotypes.

ditto. I think non hunters would really be surprised how many well educated, financially successful hunters are out there. Heck, I built my own computer and I can change the brakes on my car. Take that! haha.

Edited by Belo
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I figured it out a long time ago that there really is only one "stopping place" for the anti-gun crowd. That line in the sand is complete and total eradication of weapons. They have made each and every advancement toward that goal through incrementalism. One baby step at a time. A death of a thousand cuts. I will say one thing for them, they are a patient bunch, and I do believe that eventually they will wear us down. I see signs of it now. I see people already saying things like, "Well gosh, nobody needs one of them things to hunt deer".... as though the 2nd amendment was written about hunting. Yes the gun defenses are being fragmented and fractured a little at a time. Modern sporting rifles are just simply the next target in a steady path toward the last target. A piece at a time folks. That's how it's done. And it doesn't matter what the goal is today, it's only the next step toward the final goal.

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The AR "platform" is, believe it or not, one of the most, if not the most, popular sporting/hunting platforms out there. It is probably the number one competitive shooting rifle. But to antis it is the devil because the antis see it only as an "assault" rifle that could only be used as weapon of mass murder. The concept of responsible, law abiding citizens owning such guns for sport, hunting and self defense is lost on them because they only see it as an "assault weapon" or "military weapon".

Unfortunately there are a lot of illegal "assault weapons" and high capacity hand guns that are untraceable and in the hands of criminals right now. These weapons will never be confiscated or recovered, unless they are found ,abandoned at crime scenes. Law abiding citizens should be able to possess the same style weapons that criminal scum may try to use against them.

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To have acceptance of AR's and high capacity magazines with that crowd seems like a pretty tall order. You may want to initially set your sights lower looking for agreement on general points and principles. Owning hunting rifles, owning guns for home and personal protection. It may be best to establish that first.

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some companies make .22 cal's that look like an Ar-15 should those be banned or put into the same catagorie as a 223 just based on looks and the fact that they are semi automatic as well??

To antis?? Yes. I have an old, tube fed .22 semi that was made in the 1940's. It holds 16 rounds. The antis, who concentrate only on the gun, not the criminal, would love to see that rifle banned too. Im sure.

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