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Can you say: "Overreaction?"


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A six year old boy who made a gun gesture with his thumb and index finger and saying "pow" was suspended. http://news.yahoo.com/maryland-school-suspends-six-old-120614503.html

What a ridiculous knee jerk overreaction by the school administration. :fie: It's a really sad society we live in when 6 year old kids can't be kids. They could have handled it a lot differently -- like just chalking it up to being a "6 y.o.".

We used to play cops and robbers or cowboys and Indians and shot at each other with any object we could find pretending to be guns. As one person stated in the comments, this is just more "dumbing down of America". Maybe they would not have overreacted if the kid just did this :fuck: .

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thats so stupid!!!!!!!!! me and my friends have had airsoft wars... acording to that we are armed felons!!!! and what about us sitting up in the hayloft w 22's and bb guns shooting birds? we deff should be executed for killing them right? lol dont turn me in to the PETA... lol

People For The Eating Of Tasty Animals

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Good thing the parents have a lawyer, I bet this gets wiped away from the kids record.

My son got pinched for bringing in an empty recently, he got sent to the principals and threatened with suspension should he repeat. But we got the phone call at least. He was showing off to his buddies even though he has been taught not to do such things or even talk about such things in school. Not because it can't be talked about but because he doesn't understand how to talk about it. Not to mention he has a mark on him anyway because of his label.

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Our son ended up in court with a weapons charge...the local school Nazi ...( good reason for calling him that) would go through the parking lot looking in parked cars....Our son never thought twice about throwing a souvenir baby Red Wings base ball bat in the back seat of his car after it was given to him as he entered a game....The local cops refused to drop it....probably partly my fault...I wasn't good about it.... any how the judge reduced the charge and he had to do community service

Another girl was suspended because the "Nazi" found a butter knife in her back seat...this from a family outing...that was missed when cleaning the car out after returning home...she was luck hers came after his...for I'd ......by the end had raised HH and made a pretty good issue out of it ..."Nazi" was on notice not to look sideways at our son until he graduated....Even back then schools were getting crazy...started with all the 80's ADD rage....2/3 of the local middle school kids were all ADD...BS

I'm sure I abrv. that wrong...but you know what I mean....that phase petered out when kids started selling their meds. so others could get high...well I hope it did at least..been a while

Edited by growalot
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Yep good ole red wing stadium...giving away illegal weapons as souvenirs...Told us it fell under the illegal billy club and tire thunkers law...I told them they better damn well go to Rochester and arrest every person handing them out...It went down hill from there...my Irish was up by that time and was escorted from the building......If my son wasn't there at the time...I may have gone in on an assault charge...Not often do I seriously lose my cool

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