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Since Sept 8th, I've had no less than 4 kidney stone attacks.


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The Sept 8th one was the worst of all. Had to go to the hosp. and get hooked up with some drugs. Then when I left the hosp. I had another one right away that wasn't quite as bad. Got a third one when I went back to work. Then I had a few small little attacks that I guess you could call "ghost pain" because it would only last about 1/2 hour. Three times I had blockage pain where I simply could not urinate but wanted to really bad.

This morning I completed setting a personal record for duration. 8 Percocet, 3 Rapaflo, 21 Ibuprofen and 32 HOURS(!!) later, I passed another stone. The damn thing just would not move.

I've already been to a urologist. I did call them during this last attack and they remained on standby for me. I've already begun adjusting my diet. People prone to stones need to google "Low Oxalate Diet" and "Low Oxalate foods". Drink TONS of liquids. Water of course and other low oxalate drinks.

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I had one in my left kinney and they had to blast it. They don't cut you open any more and I can't have ultra shock because of other health reasons. This was back in June and I still get a sharp pain now and then from it. I also have a kinney stone in my right kinney that is not giving any pain , but I have to have it checked every 3 months. I was in the hospital for 4 days and home sick for a month after they blasted it. As I write this I am drinking bottled water. The kinney specialize told me , well water is not good for someone with kinney stones. You wer luckly that you could pass them. (PS, I also have the gout ) .

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Some stones cannot be broken up via ultrasound or dissolved through medications. The alternatives is to either try to pass them or undergo surgery to remove them. In any event, I can sympathize with what you are going through.

Best of luck and get well soon.

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Been kinda in same boat. 2weeks ago I had pain in my gut real bad and drove myself to hospital. They found I had gallstones. One had blocked and backed up bile in my liver and pancrease(not sure of spelling) causing them to become not working right.and boy was i sick and in lots of pain. morphine pump for 4 days. now the stone has passed but the gallbladder needs to come out. they have to wait for levels in liver and pancrease to settle down. anyhow no surgery intil nov. 11. I know who gets surgery during the rut.

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