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Hello a little late


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Hello to the community of Hunters in NY. i guess I messed up by posting a topic before being introduced. Well there is really not much to tell other than I am 61 and have been a shooter since I was 5. The first rifle I shot was a trap door 45/70 that my father held for me because it was to big. Since then I have shot and reloaded my own ammo for all the guns I have collected over the years. Salem NY is the main area where I hunt and it was in their time tribal hunting grounds for 3 different indian tribes.

I have been instructed that boycotting NY for the upcoming season is a bad idea. It would be educational to me for someone to explain this. How long would it take for someone who had thousands of dollars invested in landscaping or someone who enjoyed the great outdoors in NY regret the loss of hunters in NY. I do not believe that boycotting NY would hurt the future of huntting in NY but surely wake up Albany to the benefit that we provide.

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How long would it take for someone who had thousands of dollars invested in landscaping or someone who enjoyed the great outdoors in NY regret the loss of hunters in NY. I do not believe that boycotting NY would hurt the future of huntting in NY but surely wake up Albany to the benefit that we provide.

Boycotting is a most powerful peaceful action that can be taken. If only we could get a majority of folks to participate. Very powerful.

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wlecome ekp.

i assume you are talking about boycotting hunting and fishing licenses for next year.

it is my understanding that money from the sale of hunting and fishing licenses goes into the conservation fund to support hunting and fishing activities and programs and related areas. unless the state government decides to do something illegal they cant touch this money. seems like a boycott such as this would hurt us rather than teach the state a lesson.

some one feel free to add or correct me as this is my understanding.

again welcome ekp and good luck

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wlecome ekp.

i assume you are talking about boycotting hunting and fishing licenses for next year.

it is my understanding that money from the sale of hunting and fishing licenses goes into the conservation fund to support hunting and fishing activities and programs and related areas. unless the state government decides to do something illegal they cant touch this money. seems like a boycott such as this would hurt us rather than teach the state a lesson.

some one feel free to add or correct me as this is my understanding.

again welcome ekp and good luck

You may be correct but NY has record of raiding these funds they are not in a locked box. Then there are the ancillary effects of fewer tax dollars generated by the sport. If the objection to a boycott is that it would adversley affect the sport I could support that argument but if the argument is because someone did not personally want to give up a year of hunting in NY then I find that argument a little shallow. I myself plan on hunting VT or Ohio. I choose to support a state that supports my rights and does not take them away by fiat.

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You may be correct but NY has record of raiding these funds they are not in a locked box. Then there are the ancillary effects of fewer tax dollars generated by the sport. If the objection to a boycott is that it would adversley affect the sport I could support that argument but if the argument is because someone did not personally want to give up a year of hunting in NY then I find that argument a little shallow. I myself plan on hunting VT or Ohio. I choose to support a state that supports my rights and does not take them away by fiat.

to my knowledge NY state has not been able to raid the conservation fund although they threatened to last year or the year before. and lets not forget that fewer tax dollars means that there where fewer sales in all areas of business. from the big store to mom and pop shops that seem to depend on the seasonal sales to survive. unless everyone is willing to continue with thier traditions right up to the point of not hunting, are we willing to also "boycott" the motel we stay at for the week, or the diner that opens for the hunters at 4am, the grocery store that we have gone to for beer and chips for the past 20 years, not to mention the clothing, guns, ammo, ect,ect, to deprive not just NYS of a few tax dollars, but also our towns and countys. i too hunt out of state most years. PA, AR, going to SC in April for a few days of turkey hunting and fishing, and plan to hunt OH someday. i will do my fishing and hunting and trapping somewhere, but before i boycott NY licenses i must also consider others that may "depend" on my support. i agree that something needs to be done and soon. i have signed and support all the petions and law suits i have found to be legit and i urge others to do likewise. its quite some time before new licenses go on sale, so there is plenty of time for us to consider all the aspects and results of a boycott. others please chime in with thoughts so as to have a big picture with all the details to make informed choices.

thank you.

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to my knowledge NY state has not been able to raid the conservation fund although they threatened to last year or the year before. and lets not forget that fewer tax dollars means that there where fewer sales in all areas of business. from the big store to mom and pop shops that seem to depend on the seasonal sales to survive. unless everyone is willing to continue with thier traditions right up to the point of not hunting, are we willing to also "boycott" the motel we stay at for the week, or the diner that opens for the hunters at 4am, the grocery store that we have gone to for beer and chips for the past 20 years, not to mention the clothing, guns, ammo, ect,ect, to deprive not just NYS of a few tax dollars, but also our towns and countys. i too hunt out of state most years. PA, AR, going to SC in April for a few days of turkey hunting and fishing, and plan to hunt OH someday. i will do my fishing and hunting and trapping somewhere, but before i boycott NY licenses i must also consider others that may "depend" on my support. i agree that something needs to be done and soon. i have signed and support all the petions and law suits i have found to be legit and i urge others to do likewise. its quite some time before new licenses go on sale, so there is plenty of time for us to consider all the aspects and results of a boycott. others please chime in with thoughts so as to have a big picture with all the details to make informed choices.

thank you.

No one said you can't support these institutions, we're just talking about not purchasing a NY license to hunt.

I'm not sure if it's fact or fiction regarding the state tapping into the DEC funds, but if they were, a boycott to hunting licenses would in fact send a message to the state. No one said you can't stay at that motel you've always gone to, or purchase a few beers and eat at your favorite diner. With the $ saved from not hunting, you can even bring along the family for a little vacation in the woods. Bring along a camera in case you see something you'd like to "shoot".

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Hi ,


My wife and I have owned several Aerdales in the past and loved them

Hey ekp they are among the best dogs going in my opinion, if you ever get the inkling to get another one let me know.

I run the Traditional Working Airedale message board, we are all about hunting with Airedales if you are interested.


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