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The NRA did it again, it screwed us gun owners

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So Unite.. don't divide !!

Remember... " Every city, or house divided against itself shall not stand".

I've had firearms for getting near 50 years. I hope all of you can say the same at some point.

You are absolutely right, there is no need for us to be divided on this issue. The NRA is trying it's best to keep us united and on point relative to fighting more useless anti-gun legislation. Unfortunately there are a few that simply don't get it and keep on working to disrupt the unity that most of us are practicing. Shame on those who would fight against unity. We really don't need that kind of undermining. Liberal gun owners had better wake up and take a check of what's happening instead of trying to demonize all those that value the 2nd Amendment and argue for its preservation.

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Unfortunately NOT talking about differences of opinion on this forum doesn't get rid of the divide. I don't care if you are a gun owner, hunter, anti gun or anti hunting... if you spout nonsense.. you should be called out on it... these talks can't and don't divide something that is already divided. In fact it shows how passionate us true 2nd Amendment citizens are and outs those who are okay with diminishing that constitutional right.

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Ok, the troll had his fun with us. He posted his garbage just to get a rise out of as many people as possible (that's what trolls do) and we all fell for it ..... lol. It's not the first time wztirem has done this and it probably won't be the last. I know it is just a case of a troll being what a troll is .... nobody could be that freakin' ridiculous. Ha-ha .... good one wztirem.

Hate to disagree but some people, who want to push their leftist agenda are that ridiculous. I know I have asked this before, but I never got an answer. Is it possible for a person to sign onto this sight under two different user names??? Just wondering.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, the troll had his fun with us. He posted his garbage just to get a rise out of as many people as possible (that's what trolls do) and we all fell for it ..... lol. It's not the first time wztirem has done this and it probably won't be the last. I know it is just a case of a troll being what a troll is .... nobody could be that freakin' ridiculous. Ha-ha .... good one wztirem.

yeah it aint the first this has happend

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Hate to disagree but some people, who want to push their leftist agenda are that ridiculous. I know I have asked this before, but I never got an answer. Is it possible for a person to sign onto this sight under two different user names??? Just wondering.

yes It is I could not use my original account to use the site via tapatalk because I originally set up through facebook so I set up a second account to see if I would be able to use the sight through tapatalk without being registered through facebook. within minutes if setting up the new account I contacted burmjohn to see if it would be possible to merge the 2 accounts so I wouldnt lose my post count of any other information. burmjohn had it handled within a couple hours he did great. that being said I believe if people started making multiple accounts the mods here would figure it out real fast and crack down on it.

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