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"common sense" gun control poll, let's even it out

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Ha-ha-ha ..... did you see the statement that goes along with an opposing vote? Here check it out: “I oppose Common Sense Legislation to End Gun Violence.” Is that a slanted, forced response or what? What a joke. They are forcing pro-gun forces to publicly state that they are against common sense legislation to end gun violence. Never mind that to date there has not ever been such a thing ..... lol.

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They are using common sense out of context.  Pretty simple definition.  You'd think they could get it right, just takes a little common sense.


Definition of COMMON SENSE
: sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or facts
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They are using common sense out of context.  Pretty simple definition.  You'd think they could get it right, just takes a little common sense.


Definition of COMMON SENSE
: sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or facts

I don't think that is by accident or oversight. I think you are dealing with an anti-gun minded entity who has carefully crafted the poll to make it a no-win situation for any pro-gun respondants. The way they worded that response is exactly the wording that will be sent to legislators in our name.


I did not participate because I don't want to be handing them my e-mail address and when I send a message to my legislators, I don't want to word it so that I sound like a buffoon indicating that I oppose common sense approaches to anything.

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I think liberals have a different definition of the term "common sense" than the rest of civilization.

That's why I don't want them framing my responses to my legislators for me. I have already taken care of that in my own words.

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You may want to check out this Popov thing more.  I checked out a few more things on their site and there are normal statements on other bills.  I had added my personal comment to the poll and I believe that it went through.  I also just responded to the UN Arms Treaty question.  That's another big item that we should be protesting but I think we are busy with our own government at the moment.  Here's the link.



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A typical liberal ploy  is for the liberal to write the definitions. "common sense" is what they define as common sense.. Racism is what they define as racism ..sexism...bigotry... it goes on and on. Its an easy way for them to win the argument. Being able to load only 7 rounds in your 8 round magazine, to protect yourself and your family in own  your home , is defined by some as common sense ,yet being allowed to load the same gun with 8 or 10 rounds, while target shooting at a  range is also considered, by the same ilk , to be common sense. Really??

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What’s your position on

Common Sense Legislation to End Gun Violence


Washington needs to pass gun laws that will keep guns out of the hands of criminals and other prohibited purchasers and keep military-style weapons and high-capacity magazines off of our streets. To do this, they should pass laws that will:

  • 1. Require criminal background checks for ALL gun sales, including private sales.
  • 2. Ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.
  • 3. Make gun trafficking a federal crime.

(Proposed by: Mayors Against Illegal Guns.)


You know, if you just simply read the wording, it's not all that hard to figure out which side of the gun control issue these people are on. This is a good example of phrasing poll questions so that they come out with a pre-determined outcome. You can learn a lot about poll manipulation just from this one here. It also tells you plenty about the idealogical bent of these people. The phrasing of the question, and the little editorial touch on the answers says so much about this outfit.


These are not people that I want to associate my name with in any way shape or fashion.

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Yep I see some of their favorite buzz words.

Military style and oh wait a minute, what's that at the bottom? Mayors against illegal guns?

Who would have thought?

I wonder if they know that putting criminals in jail and keeping them there is the best way to keep guns out of their hands.

What is their definition of prohibited purchasers?

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I propose one amendment to their request since they are against only illegal guns:


If the gun is illegal it can hold only 3 bullets

If the gun is legal then it has no bullet restrictions


Take that Mayors! This should significantly reduce gun violence and it is common sense....


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