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New member and a new hunter

Lord of War

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Hello everyone.  I am new to hunting and especially bowhunting.  I finished my bowhunter ed class and I got some range time in and managed to group fairly well with a compound bow, now I am looking to buy my first bow.  Any input/suggestions would be great, the pse stinger and bear encounter i have read to be good beginner bows but if there is something a bit more expensive that would be really worth it let me know.  I would like to bowhunt in suffolk county this fall and i could use all the pointers you could give this noobie. I am located in central Nassau county so the shorter the drive the better haha.  Thanks in advance!

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Choose a bow that fits you. An archery pro-shop will adjust it to fit you. Practice shooting often. Stick around and ask lots of questions. We're all eagerly anticipating bow season and helping newcomers is what we do!

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First off, welcome to the site and welcome to the wonderful world of hunting.


Buying a bow is like getting a car.  Why do you want a car.  To get from point A to point B.  Sure a super expensive car might get you there a little faster but in the end, any car can get you from point A to point B.  Buying a Ferrari won't make you a better driver.  In the end, it all comes down to the skill of the person holding the bow.


I would recommend going to a reputable professional.  Have him fit you with a bow and determine your draw length and weight.  Proper form and accuracy beats out power any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

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Welcome, Archery is a great hobby. My best advice read as much you can and get a bow that you feel really comfortable with. Before you spend a lot of money get recommendations on what others use and why and then make up your own mind because trial and error can be very costly in this sport. I don't shoot 3D so I have my bow set up for hunting. If you want to know what I use and why just ask. Theres quite a few LI hunters here

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