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A-Roid Suspended

Water Rat

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Your correct...... his appeals will take months to complete . He might be finished all next season and should be thankful that Bud Selig ( MLB ) didn't go for the life time ban.

No, they will speed this up.

I always hated Arod, always will. He will never be in the HOF, and that's what he wanted most. I'll be tuning in at 810 to watch his first at bat tonight.

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I could care less, too much money and time is spent worrying about what these entertainer's do and how they do it......I still can't believe there were congressional hearings on steroid use in baseball........time and money wasted on unimportant things.

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You hit the nail on the head: They are entertainers !!! Sport has become theatre; it is possible that true sport no longer exists.

In my opinion, MLB's "best drug oversight program in pro sports" is a bit of a joke. These guys being suspended didn't start "using" yesterday. Their use was ignored for years. Look at MLB today: Don't you wonder how Baltimore's Chris Davis managed to hit more homers in the first half of this season that he hit in any full season prior? Don't you wonder how old man Ortiz of Boston is having a year much better than great young ballplayers in their prime? (Ortiz is at least guilty of "phone rage"!!!) We have not heard the end of PED's in MLB.

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I also think that they shouldn't be considered roll models........roll models, when I grew up were actual people we knew and interacted with, not entertainers we would most likely never meet...........Hell, Babe Ruth, Mickey Mantle and the likes were known drunks, different problems for each era, they should be taken for what they are. There was just a 20 something year old, 20 million dollar a year New England Patriot arrested for murder, think about that.....20 million dollars a year and he's in a gang!!!!

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Really who gives a flying F#*&.?Its going to get to the point that every baseball,basketball,football,hockey,golf or any sports figure has o donate blood to be tested every 2-3 months to prove they are clean.If you cant play by the rules then back out and be a man.Either that or let them all roid up and let their dorks fall off so they can be the best they and their drug dealer can be until their hearts give out.Then we we all shed a quick tear and go on o the next butt licker in line.Its pretty sad when real issues go by the wayside every single day and someones drug abuse is the top story.Same thing with the trevon deal.The last few weeks its how zimmerman saved a family,was near a crash or some other stupid thing.This country is so F***ed up!!!

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