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Getting Game Meat back from New Foundland

Meat Hunter

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Going for Moose.  Airlines are expensive.  $100 for 50lb box and since they are smaller planes they limit the bags.  From what I read on the website no dry ice at all or it is a pay hazard fee which was really high.


I like the idea of mail.  Call UPS freight and they said they would not ship meat but some one else said they have used them so who knows.  There is the international issue as well.


I figure I can get 100 lbs on the plane with me some how and then.....

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I've heard of guys freezing it solid, wrapping it in a sleeping bag, loading it in a large duffle bag and adding it to their checked baggage........maybe you can ship the majority of your other gear home via UPS and bringing the meat on the plane as baggage........I think no matter how you try to get it home it's gonna cost you.

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