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Yes, they rely on Citizen Task Forces (CFT) in each WMU to come up with recommended deer densities that do not conflict with the activities of represented stake-holders.

see http://www.dec.ny.gov/animals/7207.html  for a look at that process.


As I have been led to believe from what I have read and a few seminars here and there, deer populations are established through the black art of statistical analysis computer programs with all kinds of inputs of some calculated harvest stats, a few formulas, a pinch of constants, and a dash of factors, and poof! ..... out pops a population number. Then that number is thrown in with the wish-list of deer densities that all the stake-holders of the CFT have agreed on, then stirred around with some more formulas, constants, and factors and out comes the number for the permits that are to be issued. Occasionally the number is about right, but there never is any physical verification methods applied, so we simply have to take their word for it that all is well .....lol.

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Nothing beats mandatory check-in, but that's going the way of the do-do in nearly every state. Even Ohio dropped it last year.


The next best thing is what the DEC does now. It's hard for many to believe the #s this way, but guess what, choke it down baby. I don't care how good or bad it tastes. It's what you've got to live with at this point in the current conditions.



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