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Fast Eddie's Fables


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Opening am in Honeoye Falls , saw 2 doe , 2 fawns and a spike . Nothing close enough to shoot .Went to Mendon in the afternoon and saw nothing .

Yesterday afternoon I returned to Mendon . Saw 2 bucks . The guy we share stands with shot a big bodied 7 point . It had a huge lump off the side of its neck . That looked nasty but I doubt it would affect the meat . My youngest son was with me . We helped the guy get it back to his truck and loaded up .

Today I Put my mower deck back on the mower that I had repaired and mowed the yard and then used the lawn sweeper . Went to Walworth and sat in a stand for 3 hours . Heard a loud crash that was probably a widow maker falling and saw 3 deer run from that area . Not sure what they were .

Taking tomorrow off to regroup .

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Hunted in Geneseo this am . Was set-up in the stand by 6:20 am . Deer have been hitting an apple tree near a pasture lot fence and it was 35 yards from the stand I was in . Didn't see a thing . It raine lightly around 7 am and then came down pretty good around 8 . I had taken an old umbrella with me . I wedged it between the croch in the tree and kept from getting soaked . It had some holes and occasionally I would get some water . Left the stand at 10:30 and checked 2 trail cams .

Went to my car , got something to eat , used the john and went to another stand about 700 yards from the morning stand . I should have been in that stand in the am but would have gotten soaked .

There was a doe about 12 yards from the stand at 11:08 am and I checked the camera at 2:45 pm before climbing into the stand . That camera is still one day ahead . The pics attached are 10/05/13 not 10/06/13 .

It started raining again at 6:15 so I gathered my gear and started the long walk back . As I got near the am stand I looked up the field and 2 bucks were standing about 120 yards away . The smaller one bolted after a couple minutes and they jumped the fence into the pasture lot . I headed East on Lima road and about 1/2 mile from where I had parked a doe ran across the road in front of me . Then another 1/2 mile and 3 doe were standing in the ditch waiting to cross but ran into the corn field .






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Yesterday was a very unproductive day . I was in a treestand in Pittsford by 6:10 am hu8nting with 2 of my sons . Watched the sun come up . Never saw a single deer . We left around 10:30 as one son had an appointment at a car dealer and I had promised to help my SIL in Geneseo put hay in her barn . I got about 12 miles away and reached for my phone . NO PHONE ! pulled over , checked the car and trailer ...... nuttin . Went back to where I had parked ....looked around walked back and forth to the stand and after 1 1/2 hours gave up . Drove the previous route and didn't see it along the road . Stopped at my son's house and called the wife to have her call Verison to disable the phone .


Went to my SILs and took care of the hay . In the mean time my wife called my SIL to say that someone riding a bicycle found the phone and turned it in to Verizon at Eastview Mall . I must have laid the phone on the car or trailer and it fell off . Hunted at my SILs for a few hours and never saw any deer . The farmer was combining soy beans a couple fields over . Picked up the phone on the way home . The finder didn't leave a name or only info . At least I got the phone back . The rubberized case was damaged and I will have to replace that .


Pretty much of a wasted day !

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I guess I will give Pittsford another try Saturday am as the farmer is harvesting beans in fields adjacent to my SILs property plus her field . All the equipment disrupts the deer travel . I will try to take better care of my phone this time !

Two weeks into the season and I havn't even had a shot yet but then again , the season wouldn't have started until the 15th or later a couple years ago . So , it's no big deal .

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Another day in the great outdoors . I was in my stand in Pittsford at 6:10 am . Sat back and closed my eyes for a few minutes . It was a dark walk but still didn't need a light to see as I knew the trail . Stayed in the stand until almost noon and barely caught a glimpse of something crossing the upper trail earlier . Looked like a small deer .

Shot a couple of practice arrows at my 30 yard openings . Bow is fine .

Drove to Mendon and got something to eat and drink then drove over to my son's house to use the john . Talked for a bit and then headed back to hunting site . Snipped a couple limbs to improve a shooting lane and climbed back into the stand . Sat there from 3 - 6:45 and saw 3 anterless deer off in the distance .

And ..... what is it with hawks ? I had a small hawk swoop down and head straight toward me . I flinched and ducked and it veered off about 5 feet away . That's twice in this area that I have had hawks real close .

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Starting to get frustrated .... Went to Geneseo yesterday and was in a stand in the pond field around 6:20 am . Had the sun to my back and waited . At about 7:50 I saw a doe and 2 fawns walking along the edge of the harvested bean field . They walked right past a stand that I have in a lane-way and were over 200 yards away . Thought they might come my way but as luck would have it , they didn't .

Left the stand at 11 and got something to eat and drink . Drove over to my sister-in-laws and made a couple repairs for her . Took an hour nap and headed back out to another stand . Around 6 pm , just before it rained , I saw 3 doe way across the neighbor's field . Got going before taking a chance on getting soaked .

Might head back to Geneseo tomorrow .

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Well , today wasn't a complete waste . I drove to my friend's property on County Line Road in Walworth . There was a dead roadkill doe about15 feet from his driveway entrance . My friend was getting ready for work and I let him know about the deer and he dragged it out of the road .

I was in the stand by 6:40 and it was quiet out there . At 8:20 I saw some movement through the trees and it was two young does making their way through . A couple of times they were around 25 yards away but there was too much brush in the way to get a shot . I was tempted to try but I didn't let the desperation get the best of me . At least I had a couple near the stand .

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Another bummer of a day in the Great Outdoors . Arrived in Geneseo early this am and got into my stand . Forgot my HSS harness but had a backup harness in my back-pack . At 7:10 am I saw 3 anterless deer cross the large field and go to the neighbor's property . Nothing else all morning . Got down at 10:30 after trimming some limbs to open some more shooting lanes . Went to another stand and did the same .

Left the property and got something to eat . Went to an ex HS classmate's home and went over some address' and phone numbers to arrange a School Reunion for next summer .

Got back to the property and was in a different stand overlooking a pond , cat tails , etc with my back to the field . Nuttin ! At 6:25 I started packing up my gear , looked up the field and saw a doe about 250 yards away .Got down out of the stand and saw movement way over toward  the neighbor's side of the field and got out the binos . It was getting dark but I counted 7 deer . Couldn't make out any horns . Where the hell did they hide all day ! Oh well ...........


Oh , and after I left , I saw 3 doe next to the road 1/2 mile away .

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Going down to Walworth in a short while . Heard that my friend's neighbor that live 3 or 4 houses north of him shot a big buck . It hadn't been on my friend's property or we would have had it on one of the cameras . I passed on going out this am as rair was forecasted but it didn't rain . Rain is also forecasted at 4 pm so we shall see ...........

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Going down to Walworth in a short while . Heard that my friend's neighbor that live 3 or 4 houses north of him shot a big buck . It hadn't been on my friend's property or we would have had it on one of the cameras . I passed on going out this am as rair was forecasted but it didn't rain . Rain is also forecasted at 4 pm so we shall see ...........  I just answered the door and it is sprinkling outside . Hope it lets up !

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Another day in the great outdoors . I was in my stand in Pittsford at 6:10 am . Sat back and closed my eyes for a few minutes . It was a dark walk but still didn't need a light to see as I knew the trail . Stayed in the stand until almost noon and barely caught a glimpse of something crossing the upper trail earlier . Looked like a small deer .

Shot a couple of practice arrows at my 30 yard openings . Bow is fine .

Drove to Mendon and got something to eat and drink then drove over to my son's house to use the john . Talked for a bit and then headed back to hunting site . Snipped a couple limbs to improve a shooting lane and climbed back into the stand . Sat there from 3 - 6:45 and saw 3 anterless deer off in the distance .

And ..... what is it with hawks ? I had a small hawk swoop down and head straight toward me . I flinched and ducked and it veered off about 5 feet away . That's twice in this area that I have had hawks real close .


I had the same thing happen to me 2 days ago.  The thing came right at me and I lifted my bow to defend myself.  I veered off quickly when it saw me raise my arms with the bow.  Scared the hell out of me because it came out of nowhere straight at my face.  Weird.   Maybe it heard me walking gently and though it was a squirrel of something.

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Sheesh , what crappy weather . Sat in a stand in Walworth from just before 4 pm until 6:30 . Never saw a thing . It was cccccccold . It sprinkled off and on and got breezy at times . Wanted to see if there was any deer movement as it got dark when all of a sudden all hell broke loose . It started to Hail . It came down hard enough that it hurt when it hit . Moved as fast as my old legs would take me to get back to my vehicle .

Looks like a lot of showers in the week .

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Not going hunting today . Have some chores to do but ..... I am going to try to get down to Walworth and set up a Hub Blind . With all the rain forecasted for the next few days I don't want to sit in the rain and get soaked in a tree stand and I can't get any deer sitting at home .

Should probably be hunting along Rt 21 near Bristol .Doug Emblidge ( channel 13 News ) said his wife hit a deer the other day and since he moved to Bristol he has had 7 deer / car accidents .

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Walked to the Blind in almost pitch black this am . Settled in and waited and waited and waited .... nothing . It was a bit nippy out but also damp . All I saw was a couple squirrels playing . Hardly any wind as the swamp water as calm and there were no ducks out there . The season is starting to become a bit depressing ! At least I avoided the rain today .

Checked the weather for tomorrow . 7 am rain and snow . Winds start at 14mph and going to 25 mph with some wind gusts much higher . Maybe I will stay home and make some points and do a couple of " honey-do " jobs !

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Drove to my stand in Pittsford yesterday . Was all set by 6:35 and it was a bit cold . Left at 10:30 after seeing zilch . Walked over to one of my son's stands and checked it out . It's in an old apple orchard . Grabbed a cup of coffee in Mendon and something to eat . Stopped at my son's home in Honeoye Falls and dropped some stuff off for him .

Headed to Geneseo for an afternoon hunt . Stopped at my SILs neighbor's house and talked to him . He hasn't been out as he has Fibromyalgia and is in a lot of pain . Parked my vehicle and put my hunting clothes back on .

As I got about 100 yards from the Subi , I caught a glimpse of brown hauling butt in the thick stuff between when I was and the pasture lot . If I had an arrow nocked and was more alert , I might have had a shot . Watched a doe feeding over 400 yards away . Later (around 5:15 pm ), I saw a doe and fawn in the deep weeds/grass about 200 yards away . At 6 pm , the doe with two fawns stepped into the far end of the bean field and were eating . At about 6:10 , I heard a deer warning sound in the lot beyond the mama and fawns . They watched in that direction for a couple minutes and took off . Then I saw 2 deer hauling butt from where the sound came from . No shots but at least I saw some deer .

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