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Shoulder troubles


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So a little back story.

About 5 years ago I drew back on an Oneida eagle that nybuckboy had loaned me to get me hooked.

My shoulder felt like someone put a hot knife through the joint , I let out a yelp and missed the deer, could barely climb out of the stand.

After healing and exercise it got better to the point that the thought of drawing a bow wasn't terrifying.

Battery dying... more to follow.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 4

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So a little back story.

About 5 years ago I drew back on an Oneida eagle that nybuckboy had loaned me to get me hooked.

My shoulder felt like someone put a hot knife through the joint , I let out a yelp and missed the deer, could barely climb out of the stand.



So when you drew on that buck it was the first time you ever drew the bow?


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Anyhow.. on sept 26th I was on a ladder that tipped out on me and leaped , catching my weight on my arms out in front of me in a kind of "I dream of genie doing a wish" formation. My shoulder pain roared to life.

After hot and cold packs , I went to camp the next day.. shot my bow a few times to make sure I could... hung some ladder stands etc. It felt sore but manageable. Since then I've shot targets.. and clipped a tree going after that buck on opening day.. all is fine. Today I hang a Sheetrock ceiling.. my shoulder reminds me it isnt perfect but nothing terrible. This afternoon I draw on a doe and reinact the same scene from 5 years ago.

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Anyhow.. on sept 26th I was on a ladder that tipped out on me and leaped , catching my weight on my arms out in front of me in a kind of "I dream of genie doing a wish" formation. My shoulder pain roared to life.

After hot and cold packs , I went to camp the next day.. shot my bow a few times to make sure I could... hung some ladder stands etc. It felt sore but manageable. Since then I've shot targets.. and clipped a tree going after that buck on opening day.. all is fine. Today I hang a Sheetrock ceiling.. my shoulder reminds me it isnt perfect but nothing terrible. This afternoon I draw on a doe and reinact the same scene from 5 years ago.

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I wonder if you may have a rotator cuff tear. Sounds similar to what I went through a couple year back.
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John, if me memory serves me correctly you first hurt that shoulder reaching into the back seat from the drivers seat not to long after I first met you and you had moved here. It went pop and you yelled out that day. Am I correct on this?


You need to get that looked at or give up any hard work like hanging sheet rock until after the season... of course that is my recommendation.

Edited by nybuckboy
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John, if me memory serves me correctly you first hurt that shoulder reaching into the back seat from the drivers seat not to long after I first met you and you had moved here. It went pop and you yelled out that day. Am I correct on this?


You need to get that looked at or give up any hard work like hanging sheet rock until after the season... of course that is my recommendation.


That part I don't remember... my first memory of it is hunting from on Arts property..... not to say you're wrong....


Is your memory from before you gave me the bow?


I know it'd hurt like hell to reach backwards right now.



Early... checking that book out. Thanks.

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I went once about it, had xrays etc done, Dr said he couldn't see anything obvious on xray but felt that it was a bone shard causing inflammation and calcification and that cutting into my shoulder and shaving the bones down would help.  I asked him if I'd be doing any further damage if I just lived with it and he said no, but maybe a second opinion is in order.

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Considering an MRI is the best way to "see " damage        ... I'd get a second opinion...you remind me of this past winter...I'd mention my shoulder was feeling the hot poker thing...when I off handily mentioned it to my Dr he held my arm out and twisted it ...POP...it had been partially dislocated all winter...his description..." the joint is all loosey  goosey"



he has me on 3# weights doing upper arm and shoulder/back exercises...those rubber bands are great too....getting the surrounding muscles to shore things up...

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based on your history and mechanism of injury it sounds like a possible labral tear or rotator cuff strain... tought call without a physical exam.  but being that you fell with your arms out straight, the head of you humerous, or upper arm bone was forced toward the back of your shoulder joint which is loosly stabilized by the labrum, ligaments, and rotator cuff.... you also do a lot of overhead heavy lifting, construction? MRI is an option, but imaging is rarely a hundred percent positive diagnosis... orthopedic physical exam or PT physical exam preferably will give you a better idea of whats up.. for now, you can't go wrong with strengthening your rotator cuff for shoulder stabilization.. should relieve some of the fatigue and instability at the joint for now... grab a towel and tuck it underneath your elbow at your side and hold it there, get a cheap exercise band from walmart , wrap it around a door handle or something around waist height, keep your elbow at your side and bring your hand out to the side short of pain if present... then do the opposite holding the towel under your elbow and bring your hand in towards your stomach short of pain if present..... if tolerable , if you have a light five lb weight , hold arm at side and raise arm off to the side to shoulder height, again short of pain if present...     do you have the most discomfort or pain with your arm in a "baseball pitch position" ?   

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based on your history and mechanism of injury it sounds like a possible labral tear or rotator cuff strain... tought call without a physical exam.  but being that you fell with your arms out straight, the head of you humerous, or upper arm bone was forced toward the back of your shoulder joint which is loosly stabilized by the labrum, ligaments, and rotator cuff.... you also do a lot of overhead heavy lifting, construction? MRI is an option, but imaging is rarely a hundred percent positive diagnosis... orthopedic physical exam or PT physical exam preferably will give you a better idea of whats up.. for now, you can't go wrong with strengthening your rotator cuff for shoulder stabilization.. should relieve some of the fatigue and instability at the joint for now... grab a towel and tuck it underneath your elbow at your side and hold it there, get a cheap exercise band from walmart , wrap it around a door handle or something around waist height, keep your elbow at your side and bring your hand out to the side short of pain if present... then do the opposite holding the towel under your elbow and bring your hand in towards your stomach short of pain if present..... if tolerable , if you have a light five lb weight , hold arm at side and raise arm off to the side to shoulder height, again short of pain if present...     do you have the most discomfort or pain with your arm in a "baseball pitch position" ? not uncommon to live with a labral tear.... 

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John... Tanner even recalls you reaching into the back seat of your car that we were in. You even tried to shoot the bow at my house the same day and pulled it back once and said that hurts and did not shoot again that day.I believe it was when you had just began to use the old Oneida Eagle. Not sure what car you had then.  Any way lay off the hard work, see the Dr and begin a strengthening program.

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I don't do a lot of construction, just have been lately. If it were a partial dislocation.. is there a way to pop it back in myself?

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ok so you had this happen 5 + years ago, been living with it with minimal to no discomfort and recently you have been doing some sort of construction (overhead dry wall right?) and the symptoms came back and worsened ?!  you stated that your shoulder hurt just hanging there, and when lifting a bowl it was extremely weak and painful and also noticed some feeling in your neck? any shooting pain, numbness, or burning into your forearm, hand, fingers?  describe the pain for me, what it feels like and where.... is there any point in the day where your pain is better/worse.... is it constant meaning there isn't a moment where it doesn't hurt? or is it worse at certain at a certain time of day or with activity?  

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