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Ohio Hunter Arrows Monster Buck With Crossbow


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Did you notice the second or third picture where he says that last year he hired a helicopter to help him find the buck he shot?  A helicopter??  Man, some people will do anything to have those horns to show off!  What's next??  First we had search dogs, now helicopters next thing you know hunters will be contacting NASA to have one of their satellites take pictures from space.  Unbelievable!

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So "Stevo" kills this huge buck hunting over a mineral lick and baiting with corn and apples, pretty impressive to me, not! Did I say he used a crossbow?

So what it's legal there, if it were legal here there would be a lot more deer falling next to apple piles then there already is.  Shooting three 200 inch deer with archery equipment (crossbow or not) requires more then dumb luck especially when two of them were two years in a row.  Bait or no bait that is impressive imo....but maybe not yours? However I did notice that the score was referred to in SCI terms I thought those were only used inside game farms?  Then again idk any game farms that have CRP or that are within City limits?  But i've been known to be wrong before lol. 


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Did you notice the second or third picture where he says that last year he hired a helicopter to help him find the buck he shot?  A helicopter??  Man, some people will do anything to have those horns to show off!  What's next??  First we had search dogs, now helicopters next thing you know hunters will be contacting NASA to have one of their satellites take pictures from space.  Unbelievable!

Steve, wouldn't you exhaust every option to find a deer you wounded?  You have that responsability as an ethical hunter imo regardless if it were a trophy of that caliber or not. Now, granted we all don't have the dough to toss around to rent a chopper.  However, if I had wounded a deer like that and couldn't find it you better believe I would be calling NASA in to find it jk.  Seriously though, where would you draw the line if you wounded a deer and couldn't find it? 

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Big deer yes.  And SCI is a great organization that does plenty for hunters and hunters rights but usually when a deer is scored SCI it came from a high fence ranch of some sort.  All the legit (free range / free roaming) giants are always B & C or P & Y.

Good for him. Giant buck but not for me.

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I started this thread and want to be fair to Steve. He has gotten some negative responses on the F/S board and he replied

about how he took the deer and his circumstances.

1) No high fence

2) Baiting is legal and only baited to keep the does in the area. (I'm not so sure on this)

3) Uses a crossbow because he is handicapped.

4) Is a regular guy like you and I and works hard for what he earns.

I don't like the baiting part but it's legal. As for the crossbow it was used, in my opinion, in the right circumstance.

A trophy indeed, it will look good on the wall.

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Did you notice the second or third picture where he says that last year he hired a helicopter to help him find the buck he shot?  A helicopter??  Man, some people will do anything to have those horns to show off!  What's next??  First we had search dogs, now helicopters next thing you know hunters will be contacting NASA to have one of their satellites take pictures from space.  Unbelievable!

Steve, wouldn't you exhaust every option to find a deer you wounded?  You have that responsability as an ethical hunter imo regardless if it were a trophy of that caliber or not. Now, granted we all don't have the dough to toss around to rent a chopper.  However, if I had wounded a deer like that and couldn't find it you better believe I would be calling NASA in to find it jk.  Seriously though, where would you draw the line if you wounded a deer and couldn't find it?

I would do anything I could within reason to find it.  Would I spend god knows how much to rent a helicopter to find it?  I doubt it.  If we start looking for dead or wounded animals with aircraft, it won't be long before they start looking for live ones in the same way.

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No he didn't bait to keep the does in the area. He stated that he first tried corn but the deer did not take to it, so he tried apples and the buck was coming in 3-4 times a week to eat.

However he shot the deer legally. This my not be the hunting that some of us are use to but it is the way other guys hunt. So congrats to the hunter.

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If you go to the F/S site and look at all the replies you see a divided group. This is the hunting community, I don't think this is laughable like you say. This is exactly what we are enduring here in NY.

AR's, the use of crossbows and changing of season lengths. Laughable no, something for serious debate yes, I hope we get it right.

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I would do anything I could within reason to find it.  Would I spend god knows how much to rent a helicopter to find it?  I doubt it.  If we start looking for dead or wounded animals with aircraft, it won't be long before they start looking for live ones in the same way.

well supposedly down in texas they do have to turn in live cir-valence for deer herds in order to be issued tags to practice QDM dont they?? i know they do helicopter surveys downthere... but i hear what your sayin..

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If you go to the F/S site and look at all the replies you see a divided group. This is the hunting community, I don't think this is laughable like you say. This is exactly what we are enduring here in NY.

AR's, the use of crossbows and changing of season lengths. Laughable no, something for serious debate yes, I hope we get it right.

What are you talking about? First, most of the replies on the F/S site are not from Ohio hunters. Second, I say it is laughable that people need to put others down for what they have accomplished within their locations legal parameters.

If you want to turn this thread into another AR debate, go right ahead, but thats not what it started as. There are lots of threads on the board debating each and every topic you mention.

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I think you missed my point. Just taking this hunting situation and the way he harvested the buck is questionable is some minds. Was it legal, yes in Ohio. We are a big group that come from all different types of hunting areas (replies in F/S)and we all have our opinions.

Some areas  hold giants and some don't. Some want to hold giants but never will, no matter what is put in place. I guess when you used the word laughable in describing the negative commentary, I was mistaken in what you meant. We have alot to debate in NY and like I said, I hope we get it right.

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You guys can have your own opinon and I have nothing against it.  I see no problem with how he got the deer.  He did nothing illegal!!!  Also I wouldn't spend the money on a helicopter because I don't have that kind of money.  However if I did have enough dough and had shot a deer like that you better believe I'm calling in a helicopter and maybe even NASA :) .  Also someone said that the guy was handicapped.  I don't know to what extent but maybe he wasn't able to get around as much as a non handicapped person would be.  That could also be the reason he brought in  helicopter.

Great job to the hunter!!!!

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"I hunt with a crossbow because of a military injury in 1992, I have had 2 reconstructive rotator cup surgeries on my right shoulder and 1 on my left. I have 60% mobility in my right shoulder. I can not draw a bow back without severe pain."

A quote from Steve.

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I think you missed my point. Just taking this hunting situation and the way he harvested the buck is questionable is some minds. Was it legal, yes in Ohio. We are a big group that come from all different types of hunting areas (replies in F/S)and we all have our opinions.

Some areas  hold giants and some don't. Some want to hold giants but never will, no matter what is put in place. I guess when you used the word laughable in describing the negative commentary, I was mistaken in what you meant. We have alot to debate in NY and like I said, I hope we get it right.

Yeah I thought it was just a misunderstanding.  ;)

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