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post surgery...hunting


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I had a plate and seven screws put in my knee do to a bike accident and a broken tibial plateau. Anyone ever been handicapped and hunt? I already had to cancel my Colorado elk hunt and am dieing to get in the woods. I am definitely going to my cabin this weekend to give it a try. Guess it's time to crutch up or shut up.....lol

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sorry to hear that. For what it's worth my Uncle lost his leg above the knee when he was young. He has hobbled into the woods (actually down a ravine) with cane and prosthetic for years and actually climed into a stand. Shot some great deer. Just needs help getting it out. Don't let it deter you.

Edited by Belo
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I tore my labrum in the shoulder i draw back on my bow with pretty bad.....had to have 5 anchors put in and bone chips fished out.....Hurt like hell pull back but put the surgery off until after the season....couldn't bare to miss a fall in the woods.....Give it a go and see how you fare.....I would bring a buddy along though incase you get one and need help dragging it out. Donate some meat to the cause.

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After they screwed my ankle together and put a plate in my leg to hold it together..... I was in a hospital bed in my living room...strict orders..you put weight on it you loose your foot..I was still in the cast and Mr. B helped me wrap it up in a blk plastic bag...helped me to the truck...with a pillow and drove me to a brush ground blind...I crawled in and he put the pillow under my leg handed me the gun and phone  said good luck and left...called in a fox and trespasser...no turkey but had a good time...watching the world wake up calling and being out of bed....When pain meds wore off...I called him for a lift home...

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I spent 2 - 1/2 months in the hospitle,took my foot off of my leg.Thanks to the doctor that spent plenty of time fixing combat injuries put my ankle back together with 5 pins and 7 screws,I somehow got staff infection,every 3 days the would take the cast off do a blood and visiual test then a new cast went on.  had the staff inf. dormant until I would aggrivate the angle by hitting it into something ,Then I would go on meds.Now that Dr. said (and keep this in mind) that when you brake a bone you will eventualy get arthritis in that area.He  was right 15 years later I could not put a sheet over my foot at night the pain was just too much( and I am not a pill junkey and stand a good amount of pain) Eventualy the immoblized the ankle and a month later I was up in the Catskills Hunting, thanks to a great doctor.BR.After the 2 -1/2 month stay in the hospitle, My friends took me Rifel hunting ( I was still in a half cast ) Set me up in a beach chair wrapped me in a blanket ( no cell phones then )  My Rem. 742 with an extra clip. Had Does walking around me all day,No bucks.And the one year we did not get a party permit,A memory I will never forget.That was 20 years ago when I had the ankle fusion ( which people tell me I do not have it) and still can walk up and down the hills.


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Aw man sorry to hear that I know I'm commenting late but I just noticed this I feel your pain buddy back In 2008 I was 18 I was walking to class and got hit by a chevy blazer walking across the street I broke my femur had a rod put in the middle of the bone from knee to hip it sucked I had to wait a whole year to start hunting well good luck to you stay safe

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Sorry about your injury….When I was in my mid 20's I broke my foot in early October. By the end of the month I was off crutches but had a plaster walking cast from the knee down. I got a pair of those giant rubber construction boots, that fit over your regular boots, and it was game on. I hunted almost every day. I got two deer and a ton of small game that year.

Then I had reconstructive knee surgery in May of 2012. By October I was walking, with out crutches but had to wear a big, goofy frankenstien looking knee brace. Again, I hunted almost every day and bagged some nice bucks.

If you can get out, without doing more damage to yourself, go for it. 

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