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Strange thing happen to me.

noodle one

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Yesterday I had to go to the grocery store to pick up a few things for the wife.As I was waiting in the checkout line ,the woman ahead of me, who was being checkedout said that she had forgotten something and needed to get it and would I mind waiting a little bit. I told her to go get it.When she got back, she told me to put my things down so the cashier could ring my things and she would pay for it. I told her no thankyou that wasn't necessary. she told me that when she goes shopping for grocery that she pays for everyones grocery that is in the same line as her. I said that I could pay for my own. She said ,that she wanted to pay for mine again. I told her that I could afford my own and that I didn't need someone to pay for it. I also told that there are far more people in need and that she should help  them. She told me that when grocery shopping , she did not discriminate against anyone and if I didn't believe her to ask the cashier. I looked at the cashier and was told yes. I told her that I still wanted to pay for my own and she said ok. After this woman left , I asked the cashier if this was true and she told me that this woman doses it all the time. The cashier told that last week , the woman paid over a thousand  dollars for all people in line behind her , no matter what anyone has in their cart. Now this woman didn't look or act crazy. The clothes she had on were the same any  normal person would wear.. Everything about this woman was normal. I don't know if this woman feels guilty because she has more than others or maybe she hit the lotto, I don't know. I hope no one takes advantage of her, because she could do so much good for people in need. All I can say is god bless her.

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Wow, that's quite a story!  I can tell you that I've never been on a shopping line with a person like that.  I'm always on the line where someone is pushing things into my stuff in hopes that the cashier rings it up with my things and I don't notice!  LOL  Seriously, there are some generous people in the world.  Some don't get out much or can't go very far from home, so they try to be kind to anyone they might come across which is probably what happened to you.

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That is hard to believe. There are some amazing people around us but most probably go unnoticed. I would say that she has some money and is trying to help out anyway possible. She may not believe in giving to charity's because of all the scamming and taking of money that goes on. This way she can see who she is helping and maybe get a thank you from some of them. This lady is probably living by herself (husband probably passed away within the last year) and might not have family in the area or at all. I would have tried to get her name and stop in and visit or send her a christmas card.

I would not have let her pay for my things as well.

That is just absolutely amazing. Your right Noodle GOD BLESS that woman.

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