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NY State Of Health=Signed up yet?


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I think its going to take off and we might actually have socialized medicine like they do in Europe one day..This health insurance thing has been a thorn in the working Americans arse for a long time, we are way behind other countries with uninsured sick people who cant pay their bills while people with insurance are forced to indirectly pay those bills for them in the form of astronomical insurance premiums. The system has to change, the health insurance giants have been fugging working class Americans over for too long.

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I wonder what the plan is for the undocumented people who are in this country illegally is......they aren't turned away at hospitals when they seek emergency care and there is usually no way of tracking them down afterwards to try and collect payment..............I assume they will still get a free ride and those who pay for their coverage will somehow be left to pick up the tab as usual.

Edited by jjb4900
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Nothings gonna change until they do something about the outrageous prices hospitals and doctors charge for services. I went to the hospital last spring and received a copy of the bill they sent to my insurance company. They charged them $800 for a wrist splint, which I had to put on myself because the doctor was too stupid to figure it out!!!

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I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them. //// Thomas Jefferson

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not./// Thomas Jefferson .. He was a smart SOB

Edited by breethwithme
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