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These IR cameras can really distort images, and I suspect that a lot of what you see is just the smeared imagery of the slow speed of the infra-red. If I had to make a guess, I would say that it is either a very large coyote, or a dog. Whatever it is, it is obviously in motion. But it certainly is no house cat .... lol. Much too big for that.

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Thanks...I'd like to say yote...for the apparent length of face...but dang that tail doesn't look like any tail on pics I've gotten of yotes here...whats up with the curl at the end? Heck whats up with the size difference between the deer and what ever it is ...the tree behind them indicates where they were standing ....At first I thought fisher on first glance...I've gotten several tail /butt end pics of those in that area but obviously not that...I think that is a grey fox

Edited by growalot
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Yep, look at the back haunches closely on the first picture where it's taking a dump. That sure looks like some sort of canine to me, so "assuming" it's a wild beast as opposed to a domesticated one, I'd say yote.  I think it's too big for a fox.  But of course, I've been wrong before. ;)

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