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New crossbow in the future

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I have been waiting for New York to finally approve the use of crossbows , so now its here . I will be buying a new crossbow this year  and soon. I have almost $400 IN Cabelas points , so it will be from  them. The three that I like are the Barnett Ghost 410 , Barnett Vengeance and the Excaliber  Matrix 355.  All 3 are different in their own way ,as far as design and function.  I like the Ghost for its speed and quality reputation, the Vengeance for it smaller ,compact design , reverse draw feature , and the Excaliber line for its simplicity .

The Excaliber looks like its out due to 200 lb draw weight max , but lets hear from actual users of these  x bows and other recommendations. I 'm  looking to spend around $700 to $900

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Excalibur - even another model, if you want longevity and the ability to easily work on it.


Other than being cost-conscious for short term, I don't see why anyone would god the cam'd route.

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Regarding Excalibur's, I have the Excalibur Vortex (200lb) and love it. My Dad has the Ibex (175lb) and loves it.  Their customer service is amazing. They will respond to questions, etc. My Dad's string started to fray after like 50 shots, so I sent them a pic of the string and they overnighted a new one to us, which I was able to change myself. No need for bowshops to work on your Excalibur, you can change strings yourself.

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  • 5 months later...

The Matrix 355 is actually illegal to hunt with in NYS do to the draw weight restrictions. The 355 has a draw weight of 225. However the Matrix 310 has a draw weight of 200. I do own a 310 and highly recommend it. My uncle bought a Barnett ghost and its just heavy bulky and way to long. But its all in whats comfortable for you. Any Excalibur string can be changed in the field but those compound crossbow cant you need a manual.

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