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Manhunt in Pocono Region of PA. No Hunting ?


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  On 10/25/2014 at 10:36 PM, pawle76 said:

I thought I heard that because of the manhunt ongoing for that murderous piece of trash that PA. is cancelling their hunting season? Is this true and if it is how do you PA hunters feel about this ? I know I would be livid !!

If so, Obey the directive. No sense getting caught up in the situation. Let law enforcement do their job.

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sorry I meant cancelling hunting in that area not the whole state of course. Still thats a very popular area to hunt. I've hunted there in the past but since I live in NC now I only come up to hunt in NY for 2 weeks a season. I would have to imagine there will be a lot of hunters who paid for there tags already that must be pretty upset about this. Then it begs the question why havent they found this guy yet ?

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