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I have a Traditions Pursuit thumb hole stock. Love the gun. I shot shock waves the first year I used as they came with the gun and were accurate in it. Had same results as many reviews I have read. Small exit and entrence hole with little to no blood now call the junk waves. I switched to hornaday xtp which is what i shoot in my black diamond. Very accurate deadly on deer and easy to load in both guns. Get a box of them from walmart for about $15 easyer then getting the round and sabot seperate. It is a .44 cal pistol round with the right sabot. 245 grain i believe they are

Every gun is different but most times if you are haveing to much crap from powder building up in your barrel fast it is due to using too much and not getting full burn. I never use more then 100 grains of powder. I use triple 7 pellts . I can shoot 5 to 6 rounds before having issues and clean up is easy.

Never had a problem with this set up and round performance is grate. At least for me. Longest shot on deer has been 220 yards. Dropped in tracks and expantion was great. Longest shot on paper with this set up has been 350 yards with 3 inch groups.

All guns are different though so good luck with what ever you try.

I mounted the gun with a centerpoint scope from walmart. Yea cheap scope made be crossman but they are grate scopes. Just as good a scope as my leupolds. Loves these scopes put on my .308 as well.

I shoot a Pursuit also, I never had good luck with saboted rounds.   I switched to 245 gr powerbelt aerotips they load great.

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  • 4 weeks later...

  Should have kept the Hawken.


All of the "improvements" in high tech muzzlelaoders have been brought about to make black poder substitutes as reliable as real black powder. Black powder sustitutes were brough about so that big volume retailers could get in on the market.


I still use real FFFg balck powder & shoot .535 round balls that i cast my self that cost me pennies. I can rely on my flintlock unless it is a downpour & when I do hunt in a monsoon, I use my cal gun & apply some clear fingernail polish to the cap after I press it firmly onto the nipple.


When I Hunted exclusively with my muzzleloaders from 1983 to 1996, I would not reload them after hunting unless I discharged them that day. I would avoid taking them in & out of a heated house & left them in a gun rack concealed behind the seat of my standard cab pick up.


I have never had a misfire or hangfire that I could attribute to anything other han my own error. that is, failing to clear the oil from the breech beforeloading. I did get caught in a deluge with my flinter once & the priming turned to black goo. I should have known better & taken my cap gun that day. I did get the gun to fire after 2X with fresh priming.


I have cleanly taken 3 deer that were 150yds or perhaps a little more away & over a dozen more that were closer. A large .535 or larger caliber round ball will take any hooved game as far as iron sight shots are ethical. .490s are limited to about 100yds, .445s about 75 IMO. With an improvised rest like a tree trunk I can hit a beverage can at 100yds reliably. From the bench, with open sights, my .54 flinter would shoot 2" groups at 100yds with atightly patched .535 over 120gr of FFFg & it would knock deer flat with impressive regularity. eldom did I even have to blood trail a deer.


If you are getting good results with your traditional ML & your shots oporunities are not beyond the capability of the weapon, there's really no need to switch for some perceived advantage.

Edited by wildcat junkie
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