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First Hunt


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Opening day was my first deer hunt ever. I had gone out for pheasant once before. Sat for about 3 hours and made the decision to move about a half mile North of my location. While moving I spotted two deer about two hundred yards away. I stopped and dropped to the ground to get my binoculars sighted on them to see if either was a buck. My Doe tags are in another WMU. The first one I saw was indeed a buck and he continued to walk right toward me. He only had an antler one one side, the other was broken off. I raised my rifle to pick him up in the scope and he continued to walk towards me. When he got thirty yards away he stopped and was facing directly at me,not my best shooting option. I waited for what seemed like two minutes before he moved again....it seemed as he was looking right at me. When he moved I had a broadside shot but he began to walk again passing by a tree. Once he cleared the tree I was able to tale the shot. The buck jumped in place and ran about forty yard and dropped. I had hit him through both lungs. What an experience. I can honestly say that months of practicing, reading online and training for this moment was well worth it. Thanks to everyone here who takes the time to share their knowledge and experiences. It has helped this rookie tremendously.

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I couldnt believe how Amped up I got. It was a rush for sure. The funny thing was that I had gone through the entire process of getting into hunting with a friend but he was unable to get out until the afternoon. So I was alone for the whole event. When he texted me that he was on his way I sent a picture of the buck back and he couldnt believe it. Another friend who lives close by drove his quad in to get the deer out. I am so hooked. Now its time to fill those doe tags.

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