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Ice Grips for Shoes & Boots

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With all the snow melt everywhere I go around my place is covered with a sheet of ice making for treacherous walking, I took a bad fall on ice some years back and tore all kinds of muscles and ligaments in both legs. I can get around ok these days but I will never get back to normal. Consequently I am now extra careful when it comes to maneuvering on ice. I have tried just about everything out there and the best solution I have found are a chain type setup that slip over your footwear and held in place by strong rubber straps. The traction they give on glare ice is outstanding. 

If you have to do any walking on ice do not mess around, get some sort of traction grips and be safe.



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Guys that are out there trying to ice-fish might find those things useful. Actually, ice has been a real problem on our driveway, and I have had a couple of close calls where I almost went down. Where did you buy those, and how much did they cost?

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3 hours ago, Doc said:

Actually, ice has been a real problem on our driveway, and I have had a couple of close calls where I almost went down. Where did you buy those, and how much did they cost?

Ice in my driveway is also a big time problem for me, I have a long driveway like you and is glare ice, I walk it every day, without those ice grips I would be slipping and sliding all over the place with a good chance of taking a tumble.

I believe I purchased my current ice grips from Amazon, there are several different styles of all different prices and they all work, the big difference I have found is longevity. The ones with studs and spring type grips fell apart after a short while, these chain type I have now have been going strong for 5 or 6 years and are still holding up fine.


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