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Canvas/heavy fabric backstop


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Can anyone recommend some type of fabric material that I can place behind my bag target that will stop an arrow with field points? I am hoping to hang it like a curtain that I can tie up when not in use. Honestly it is smoothly for when my son shoots- I just picked him up a compound which is only set to 25 pounds so the arrows are not exactly smoking down range.

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I agree with jjb4900, when my grandfather bought me my first bear compound we used an old large throw rug that we were able to fold in half and hang, worked great and even if you need to buy one you can get two smaller ones and hang them back to back for 50 bucks or so from walmart or costco

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that should work just as well if it's just stopping an arrow from a low poundage bow........don't make it tight, hang it a few feet behind the target and let the bottom hang free so it has some give to it.

   I do this with the old carpet, at least an arrow length away from the target.  it works perfect shooting at  55#'s.

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I absolutely can picture the old carpet being durable enough...I just can't picture how I can get the "shower curtain" effect on it when it is not in use. It is will be in my backyard that doubles as a seating area around a firepit(obviously when it is not a range!). If it is too ugly/cumbersome SHE is not gonna let that slide!

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