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Winterkill in Northern Region 8


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WNYBH...I see some large pine(Norway spruce?) In the back ground. Is there Platations there? We had some real small ones survive because of the planting that were done around us.


There are couple of sections of planted pines on the neighbors, but this area is LOADED with coyotes...

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Here's one of the boys that made it...wrong date...he's really skinny but doing fine along with the others..which seem a bit fuller...the next 3 looked a tad rough...2 carcasses found ...but not sure if they were wounded and came in to die or winter got them.

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Gotta say, went to check on the camp in franklinville last weekend... I'll bet I saw 200+ deer on my trek out there. Every field had piles of brown. I haven't come across one dead one yet, at home in 9h or when I was at the camp in 9m. All deer are looking healthy and alive ! I still can't believe the numbers I saw last weekend. Great to see !!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Walked the property this weekend in varysburg (9h), came across 13 dead deer. All 13 were yearlings, it such a shame to see these poor animals dying of starvation.


13 dead deer on how many acres or should I say in how many square miles?

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