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Geneseo Trail Cam Field


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Phade --- I have had that cam in the same spot for almost 3 years . I do believe the deer are used to it . I have only ever shot 4 deer from a stand that is in the direction that the camera is pointing towards ( gun - 1 ...... bow - 3 ) . As you can see , the snow was fairly deep on deer in some pics .

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Phade --- I have had that cam in the same spot for almost 3 years . I do believe the deer are used to it . I have only ever shot 4 deer from a stand that is in the direction that the camera is pointing towards ( gun - 1 ...... bow - 3 ) . As you can see , the snow was fairly deep on deer in some pics .

Wish we had that little bit of snow. Until this week if you got a pic around here you would get a deer snow plowing with its chest. Deer are out in masses now. Every bare patch in every field has deer in them!  Nice Pic's!

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I saw 5 deer cross the laneway as I was walking . They were at least 250 yards away . A beautiful sight ! I only walked 1.3 miles but I was whipped when I got back to my car . My snowshoes were broken so I trudged through the snow . I had a ski pole with me for balance .


As I was leaving Geneseo on Rt 20A , I was heading East just past the Aldi's entrance . Saw a deer laying out in the middle of a field watching traffic . I pulled off to the side and watched for a few minutes with the binos . It didn't appear to be injured but I really couldn't tell .

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