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Looking for feedback on a video

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Well, Ive been wanting to do something like this for quite sometime. Over the past 2 months me and my wife and our two children have set out with the camera in hopes to make it happen. This is the first time I have put music and video to my writing so I would love some constructive criticism regarding the cinematography, the writing and the entirety of the piece in general. Looking back on it now, I wished I would have had more experience with sound editing. Some folks online have said the music is too loud and the voice over is too soft while others have told me they could hear it fine. Anyways, since it is related to hunting and fishing I thought I'd share it with yall.

Please let me know what y'all think.

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Nice camera work, editing ...

Audio. Cannot hear the words, the soundtrack is too high.

what camera and lens?

Thanks for watching and I'm sorry about the audio. We filmed with a Canon t5i DSLR with a 50mm, standard and telephoto. And it was all a beautiful pain in the you know what haha.

I enjoyed making it but it really is more work than folks realize.

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I have done sound editing and cinematography. This piece is very very good. The music could be a tad lower, I like the level of your voice. Your actual voice fits the piece perfectly. Well written and not over-done with special effects. If this is your first film I can't wait for the second, it brought me to a place that I love. Keep up the great work!! 

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All in all I can tell your heart was in the right place when you made this. Except for the music being just a bit too loud everything else was fine. For a first attempt,ya did real good and will only get better from here on out as you gain experience.

I play and record music as a hobby for the most part. Getting used to digital recording takes time and a lot of trial and error. Feel free to pm me any time for music samples or any advice I can give on that end.

Keep at it! Would really like to see the next one. And above all else,have fun doing it!

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Thanks for taking the time to watch folks. I should have shot the fire scene differently. Every shot made the woods look dry as a bone when actually we had just had a major snow (for Georgia) and it was nearing the end of the thaw. I was only able to get a fire started because I found some pine heart.

But I really thank all of you who took the time to watch and for lending feedback.

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