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They'er back....


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And with a vengeance...Deer flies...we must of had a resent hatch because it went from a few to I got swarmed by hundreds trying to drive the tractor down the hill..at first sight I thought OH hell ground bees but got lucky ...sorta...I had sprayed down but it didn't stop a few getting me or the rest bouncing off me attempting to bite... Today I was out with the DR mower and my back feels like I have been laying on a bed of needles and they itch... nasty @#$%$@@$@$ !!

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So Angel "helped" me pick berries, by walking through the under brush stirring up all the biting insects...dozens of bites 8 dead deer fly and 1 quart of berries later I was back in they really hurt. So I looked up allergies to bites...Sometimes I think ignorance can be bliss :rolleyes:





Deer flies have sharp mouthparts that easily cut into skin and can cause pain. The flies than suck up the blood that flows from the wound. In the U.S., there are only a few types of fly that transmit disease to humans, and deer flies are among them. They transmit a rare bacterial disease known as rabbit fever (tularemia). Symptoms include skin ulcers, fever, and headache. Tularemia can be successfully treated with antibiotics, but without treatment, it can be fatal.


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Quote; "Deer flies have sharp mouthparts that easily cut into skin and can cause pain. The flies than suck up the blood that flows from the wound."


I have some bad news for these poor deer flies. No blood to suck up for them. They may get to bite, but I get the last word. I am quite deadly at swatting the little stinkers. I don't miss very often. So all I can say to them is enjoy the bite because it is going to be your last and no blood sucking for you!

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I was sitting on deck at my sisters house having coffee this morning and there were tons of flies out biting, even houseflies. She keeps one of those tennis racket bug zappers handy on the table, so I had a little fun getting revenge on the critters by frying their butts by electrocution...and I enjoyed watching them crackle and pop!! :rofl:

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