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Left vs Right

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I have noticed the three stooges tend to reply with snarky comments to posts in the political section that point out issues with Liberalism and the Left.  They claim they are not of that persuasion, but certainly do regard attacks against it as verboten.  


They should debate from their point of view to be taken seriously, but perhaps they lack the ability to do so, because the facts prove the point of the post.


Logic would indicate they take offense at the point of the post, rather than the posts themselves.


Like gun banners who will never be happy until all guns are banned, they will not be happy until the political posts (regarding guns and hunting as well) are banned.


NY breeds a lot of totalitarians.  That's why it's an oppressive Blue State.



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My issue with the "Dynamic Duo" is they push their opinions too and post more political threads then hunting.



Unfortunately, there is a lot more political oppression in NY State, as well as the rest of the country, that effects my firearms and hunting freedoms, than there are firearm and hunting opportunities.  Sorry if you have an issue with my priorities.

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SILENCE!!!!………I  said... SILENCE!!!!!!!!!


I get all that I want, whenever I want, by going hunting. :D


I'm no slave to electronic tech either.  I log on to the laptop and check these forums whenever I feel like it.  They do not hound me through an electronic device 24/7 that I cannot resist answering.

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It just kills me that the ones who whined the loudest, to have opposing views moved to a section that you have to now look for, now go out of their way to look for that section and now take it upon themselves to monitor it ….WHAT??   LOL!!!      

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It just kills me that the ones who whined the loudest, to have opposing views moved to a section that you have to now look for, now go out of their way to look for that section and now take it upon themselves to monitor it ….WHAT??   LOL!!!      



Feigned indignation, and being in a constant state of Butt-Hurt, is the latest in left liberal tactics to shut down whatever it is they have in their sights currently. Never back down.

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Feigned indignation, and being in a constant state of Butt-Hurt, is the latest in left liberal tactics to shut down whatever it is they have in their sights currently. Never back down.

That makes as much sense as the pic you posted looking like a war God of deer screaming over a kill. That was classic Papist. "Me man, me kill deer, whAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!.".

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That makes as much sense as the pic you posted looking like a war God of deer screaming over a kill. That was classic Papist. "Me man, me kill deer, whAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!.".


What?  It makes perfect sense to me.  Sorry I missed the other one though.  

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That makes as much sense as the pic you posted looking like a war God of deer screaming over a kill. That was classic Papist. "Me man, me kill deer, whAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!.".


You'll have to take it up with former communist David Horowitz. He has explained all the tactics  in his various writings. Plus we see this approach taken every day in our local party members

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Your aren't a Communist? You want everything your way, you want to decimate all opposers, I am not even going into all the people you and VJP hate. What do the two of you do except post things that make people argue?

Like I said, if crap hits the fan, there won't be any left, right, up, down, or center.

Here's a question for both of you. If things go bad while we are still alive, would you give water and food to people who needed it?

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Your aren't a Communist? You want everything your way, you want to decimate all opposers, I am not even going into all the people you and VJP hate. What do the two of you do except post things that make people argue?

Like I said, if crap hits the fan, there won't be any left, right, up, down, or center.

Here's a question for both of you. If things go bad while we are still alive, would you give water and food to people who needed it?


This post was a raging maelstrom of incoherence and logical fallacies. Not to mention the gross misrepresentations.


If everything being 'my way' means the way of the  idealists who founded this great nation using classical western principles as a guiding light, and not the way of the Jihadists or leftist social engineers, then yes, that is exactly what I want. You seem to think that is a bad thing. Interesting...

Edited by Papist
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If it all hits the fan, there will be more division among the people than unity.  I will help those I feel are trying to return the country to it's original Constitutional objectives, and oppose those who want to destroy it.  That goes for food and water too.  I oppose aiding and abetting the enemy during that time.


There is no room for conscientious objectors then either.  You are either in the fight, or a liability that cannot be afforded at that point.  Perhaps they should've paid attention to the warnings they laughed off for years.


I have no sympathy for anyone who's misery is self inflicted.  Besides, the opposition will be counting on our consuming resources with compassion for the masses, while they will grant them absolutely no mercy.


One need only look to the first revolution to see what this one will be like.


I pray the idiot electorate wises up prior to it all hitting the fan, but I have great doubt they will.


And for the record, I do NOT hate anyone.  I hate what some people do, say or insist upon, but I do NOT hate them.  The only thing I hate is stupidity.


And I don't post things to make people argue, I post to make them think.  They choose to argue rather than think.






Edited by Mr VJP
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Would the people you help depend in skin color? Sexual orientation, or religious values?



The last one, most definitely yes. Some 'values' leave a lot to be desired. In case you haven't been watching the news, Europe is on the verge of social unrest , possible civil war, as a result of an influx of said 'values'. 


Tell ya what. I'll send all the Jihadists over to your house when the poop starts flying. Hows that sound?

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The last one, most definitely yes. Some 'values' leave a lot to be desired. In case you haven't been watching the news, Europe is on the verge of social unrest , possible civil war, as a result of an influx of said 'values'.

Tell ya what. I'll send all the Jihadists over to your house when the poop starts flying. Hows that sound?

Papist and VJP are nothing but racists who think everyone is out to get them, I'm guessing they both enjoy dressing in white sheets as their bigoted posts indicate while Papist praises the twisted thinking of Donald Trump who he glorifies as the second coming of Adolf Hitler
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Papist and VJP are nothing but racists who think everyone is out to get them, I'm guessing they both enjoy dressing in white sheets as their bigoted posts indicate while Papist praises the twisted thinking of Donald Trump who he glorifies as the second coming of Adolf Hitler

There are several liberal members here that would call you racist just from your avatar pic. This occurred last summer over the display of the Confederate flag. I myself do not believe showing the flag is racist....but I know most liberals all stick together and how do you feel about your avatar? Kind of showing racism and bigotry?

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Papist and VJP are nothing but racists who think everyone is out to get them, I'm guessing they both enjoy dressing in white sheets as their bigoted posts indicate while Papist praises the twisted thinking of Donald Trump who he glorifies as the second coming of Adolf Hitle



Or are you just an over sensitive boob who sees a racist behind every tree?? or a person who insists that criticism of any minority group can only be racism?


White sheet??? Hitler?? Really?  Sounds to me like you're just regurgitating the same racist paranoia Bu!! $hit you've been spoon fed you whole life, by the real haters..


Open you mind and go find a job

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That sickening idiot with the rebel flag doesn't know racism from patriotism.  I challenge him to find anything I ever posted that could even remotely be considered hatred of someone because of their skin color.


The fool has a habit of making wild, emotional accusations without any evidence to back them up.  Best to ignore such an idiot.


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Would the people you help depend in skin color? Sexual orientation, or religious values?

There will be no left, right, up, down, or sitting on your thumb spinning to determine a "side".

The big thing no one realizes is there is no "SIDE" anymore.


Are you really that ignorant?  Don't imply I believe in discrimination because you can't grasp the concepts I propose to you.  


Of course there will be "sides".  One side will be on the side of freedom and one will be on the side of big government tyranny.  People will need to decide which "side" they want to support.  That has nothing to do with any of the physical characteristics you chose to mention.


Like the NRA, which has a single mission statement and excludes no one, truly America's oldest civil rights organization, I don't discriminate against anyone unless they are against the mission I support.


(If you think that statement about the NRA is false, you better do some research into their defense of Constitutional rights for all, since they were founded in 1871.)


You need to try and understand one simple fact, the bigger the government, the smaller your freedoms.  That's my point.

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That sickening idiot with the rebel flag doesn't know racism from patriotism.  I challenge him to find anything I ever posted that could even remotely be considered hatred of someone because of their skin color.


The fool has a habit of making wild, emotional accusations without any evidence to back them up.  Best to ignore such an idiot.

He/She can't give any examples. He/she is just an obvious hippie or hippie spawn who comes here to try and insight. Notice that when ever you call the cowardly little, brain washed  hemp wearer out, he/she just disappears?? LOL! thats because this "person" is going back to his/her hippie idols and trying to get them to give a response to post. 


Once again Uptown, although you are amusing, ,,,Take a bath and find a job!!   LOL!!

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The last one, most definitely yes. Some 'values' leave a lot to be desired. In case you haven't been watching the news, Europe is on the verge of social unrest , possible civil war, as a result of an influx of said 'values'. 


Tell ya what. I'll send all the Jihadists over to your house when the poop starts flying. Hows that sound?



I expected more from you Papist.


Where I live? Depending who they have converted, and the businesses owned by people we are not sure we can trust or not ( most of the people committing these new atrocities here have no record and are considered upstanding people, not just by the family either, invisible enemies ), I am already in boat with a hole in it and no bucket to bail or paddle to try and get away.


I am not left, right, liberal or WTF/E. I am about anyone who can help this country gets it balls back and realize that disarming the general population will be as effective as crapping in your hands and tossing it out a closed window.

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He/She can't give any examples. He/she is just an obvious hippie or hippie spawn who comes here to try and insight. Notice that when ever you call the cowardly little, brain washed hemp wearer out, he/she just disappears?? LOL! thats because this "person" is going back to his/her hippie idols and trying to get them to give a response to post.

Once again Uptown, although you are amusing, ,,,Take a bath and find a job!! LOL!!

If you seek examples of their hatred of those who are not like them all you need to do is read their posts which cleeary exposes their paranoid racist views. Maybe they needed to spend some time with "hippies", a few joints might help relieve their delusional mindset.

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