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Those I have challenged have been challenged for things other then their views on Islam, as anyone reading my posts will clearly see.


I don't think that answers my question.  I'll make it simple.  What's your opinion of Islam, Muslims, Refugees and Radical Jihadis.


I know a Muslim cannot speak ill of other Muslims, so I'll understand if you can't answer.

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Please don't take this as me giving any support to evils performed my radical Muslims, but claiming Islam by itself is better or worse than Christianity is beyond silly.  There are extremists in EVERY religion.  If you hate all Muslims for the acts of a few radicals you should hate all Christians for the acts the radicals that started the crusades.


It seems lately all these extremes are being considered normal and that should never have become so.  There will always be extremes in every aspect of life but that is what they are supposed to be.... Extremes.  Only the extremes are ever talked about so it just becomes the new normal... Extreme Liberal, Extreme Conservative, Extreme Christian, Extreme Muslim.  Its just sickening.

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 claiming Islam by itself is better or worse than Christianity is beyond silly.  There are extremists in EVERY religion.



This statement is silly and based on a the obvious fact you have read neither the Qur'an or the New Testament.


There are exactly zero calls to violence in the New Testament against non-Christians. I lost count of the the violent and savage prescriptions in the Qu'ran, in terms of how to deal with the infidel. Your point is not valid.

Edited by Papist
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Please don't take this as me giving any support to evils performed my radical Muslims, but claiming Islam by itself is better or worse than Christianity is beyond silly.  There are extremists in EVERY religion.  If you hate all Muslims for the acts of a few radicals you should hate all Christians for the acts the radicals that started the crusades.


It seems lately all these extremes are being considered normal and that should never have become so.  There will always be extremes in every aspect of life but that is what they are supposed to be.... Extremes.  Only the extremes are ever talked about so it just becomes the new normal... Extreme Liberal, Extreme Conservative, Extreme Christian, Extreme Muslim.  Its just sickening.


First were talking about modern day.  Are Christians killing people today?  


The Crusades were a response to 450 years of Muslim terror.  The Pope started the Crusades and was no radical.  Google some info and then ask me again if I think Christians are evil because of the Crusades.


What other religion today has murdering and raping extremists?  Who else promotes that kind of modern day violence?  And please don't call Islam a religion, it's a political ideology claiming to be a religion.  And "extremist" is a label applied to many things that are not, but radical Islam isn't one of them.

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What's your opinion of Islam, Muslims, Refugees and Radical Jihadis.

Islam, I find it be a religious belief that has been taken over by extremists, and this being the case I find myself agreeing with those who call it a religion of hate.

Muslims, as a people I have no problem with them, as is the case with all groups they too contain those with evil in their hearts and minds, just as every other group has evil people among them.

Refugees, the topic is too involved to even begin discussing. However I do not think it is wise to openly admit those coming from countries that openly harbor terrorists.

Radical Jidhadists should without a doubt be hunted down and killed.

Now I shall await you and your jerkoff buddy twisting what I have said to fit your delusional lifestyles.

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I saw this article from an Oregonian news source on Facebook.  I don't know anything about the news source's credibility, readership, slant, etc.:




The article doesn't address any of the arguments behind the occupation, but instead attempts to provide a general sense of local sentiment during a public forum.

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