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Couple Day Old Poults


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Mom and newly hatched poults strolled out onto the lawn kept laneway yesterday, just 15 yards or so ahead of the tractor. I quickly shut the engine down and watched eleven poults struggling to get through the 2 inch freshly cut grass. This is the second group seen in a week. The first group was smaller in number and had their wing feathers.  It surprised me in the number of chicks she had hatched out.  This group was all in down and very young. It made me laugh to watch the little fellas keeping up with mom so well. She would stop, allowing the stragglers to catch up looking at me very cautiously.  I would have got pics, but with all the excitement with the honey bees;( in the Pumpkin Post of Land Management Section), I ran over my new pop and shoot camera with the tractor. Had quite a day yesterday. I'll try to get some pics in the days forth.

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i've gone through 5 nest so far this year sending one turkey through the mower.  went through a nest tuesday, hen flew off, was still nesting. turkeys look like they are having another great year here.  i've seen three broods with about 10 chicks each.  most of them were hatched out the end of may. lots of hay fields still to go through.  

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