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Talk about Brass....


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I'm coming around from cleaning the dog kennel to see someone in a very quiet golf cart coming down my drive across the road... Then very slowly go down the hill..WTH!...of course the Gator is out back so I get in and head out...by the time I crested the hill he was out of sight. So I had to check lower property....Mr B is ticked! Now two new cams get put on the drives and he'talking about setting posts for a gate at each drive...looking at long range alarms...problem is...the deer use the drives to cross back and forth....Man broad daylight with me home. We both May have been lucky I didn't catch him:aggressive:

Edited by growalot
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Jeremy  we own both sides of the road. It's a grass drive to the barns and property that is directly across from our home driveway.

Actually for being in the middle of no where..it is Biz

Yea I wasn't joking. Based on your stories all the time, it doesn't sound too pleasant.

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Not unpleasant per say,but keeps us on our toes...I've learned its one if those areas that attract the crazies. We had a guy arrested for making bombs in his house...many suicides...it's where convicts and criminals run to and lots of break ins. Not the Bermuda Triagle...It's the tri-county triangle...lol

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Yes the culvert's deep...it's the one I did a flip in earlier this summer and it is lined by pines...first thing I did when we bought the land...planted pines along the culvert ditch down the entire road frontage. The only vehicle access is only through those drives.

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