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Yep those set ups work pretty well...but I've never gotten many other fur barers on cam that way...besides squirrel...

Question....is it illegal to tie out road kill or deer bones (rib)s to get pics of yotes or fox?...not as if your feeding deer...and the bear are still in dens....

Also have to laugh...every look through SG or Cabela...BP...gander reviews?...I love it when guys give their names and locations in NY saying how great this bait or that feed is...how the electronic calls really bring them in.... ::)

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Also have to laugh...every look through SG or Cabela...BP...gander reviews?...I love it when guys give their names and locations in NY saying how great this bait or that feed is...how the electronic calls really bring them in.... ::)

Actually electronic calls are legal for deer now.  Look at the third from last question under Equipment.


"Q: Is it legal to use decoys and electronic calls to hunt deer?

A: Both decoys and electronic calls are legal to use for deer hunting in NY. You should exercise caution when transporting a deer decoy to and from the locations in the field. Some hunters wrap a strip of blaze orange material around the decoy when carrying it."

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Maybe a buck , but all deer, does, bucks and fawns ruburinate on their tarsal gland so it could be a doe as well.. look at the face, it is short nosed and rounder... the body size would be deceiving this time of year because of the winter coat... the deer actually has none of the characteristics of an older 3.5 year old ..  I  would bet a paycheck that he or she is a yearling

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i don't really see an unusual back sway in this deer..most heavy back swaying doesn't start in a buck until he is much older 4.5 or better..  if you look at how the neck comes into the back area... you can see the actual shoulder hump which wouldn't be as evident in a 3.5 year old and where the neck hits chest there is a clear definition between where the neck stops and the chest begins, bigger bucks lose that definition at 3.5 and the neck and chest seem to be in one line where they meet... the real clincher for me is in the round head.. it is the most obvious tell-tale sign of a yearling. 

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I was thinking a 3 1/2 in 9 mos not now...For a size comparison that brush pile is 12 ft long and comes up to my waist....I'm 5'6" as far as the nose length well I find that harder to judge by with out a rack...ie in pic...the spike is a yearling...in this pic you can definitely see the difference in muscular lines...actually perhaps a 2 1/2yr old in 9mos?...hhhmmm not so sure either way now

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See I didn't know that changed...when did it change?...Thanks for info ;)

I'm not actually sure.  Last season I was in Philipson's and I saw an electronic bleat can and I thought "Someone's going to get in trouble with that" so I looked it up intending to show someone it was illegal when I stumbled across that.

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Question....is it illegal to tie out road kill or deer bones (rib)s to get pics of yotes or fox?...not as if your feeding deer...and the bear are still in dens....

Not as far as I know.  I actually asked an ECO about baiting coyotes and he said that its perfectly legal.  Of course we dont have bears where I live so that might throw a curve ball into the mix. 

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