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It went well finally shot my first deer wit a bow and got to share it wit my wife.  This was my 4th yr bow hunting with me and my wife in the same tree.  I watched her shoot her first deer wit a bow 4 yrs ago and now she got to see me as well.  Every year I let my wife have the first crack at a deer so sitting in stand we had a doe and fawn come in on us but couldn't get a shot about 30 min later we had the 6 come in on us straight at us he got to 25 yrds and turned broadside my wife shot but unfortunately it was to low and actually hit the deer in his back leg.  He ran off to our right and tried to walk off but was limping badly she knocked another arrow and shot again but missed badly because of her nerves being shot so then she gave me the go ahead and a well placed rage 2 blade and 50 yrds later I found my first deer wit a bow

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