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Keith Olberman: "we have lost a war with Russia without battle"

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These people are going absolutely bonkers.

BTW, Condi Rice this week said that Trump's pick for sec of state was good and she liked it (others have said this too including entrenched politicians). I have yet to read the reason why we're supposed to only have people in office who have a clear animosity to the second strongest nuclear power on the planet. 

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The Left is creating all sorts of fake issues to persuade their lemmings Trump's election was stolen.  All I got to say is, if Trump is barred from the Presidency by any means, things are going to get real ugly, real fast.

I for one will support any action to resist a leftist coup!!


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3 hours ago, Papist said:

We angry old(er) gun-totin' white men just can't get enough of the old Soviet KGB. Is that it? I sure do miss crawling under my desk for air-raid drills every day in grade school. /sarc/

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White American men aren't angry at all.  They just decided the country needed to go back to following the Constitution and Rule of Law.

If any political party was in bed with the Russians, it was the Democrats and the current corrupt Administration.  Remember when Obama promised Putin he would be more flexible after his re-election?  How about Hillary's RESET meeting and making a deal with Putin for uranium?  Look at all the boot licking Kerry did as Sec. of State.

If the Russians hacked into the US system, it wasn't to help Trump.  It was because Hillary's private server gave them the power to do it.  And if they were trying to influence the election, why did the Democrats wait until Trump won to investigate it?  

Because they thought it was being done to help Hillary win, that's why.


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